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Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)

States with oral health data in each year

View list by year View list by state

States participating in BRFSS vary by year, and states with oral health data vary by year.  For years when oral health questions are on the core questionnaire, every state participating in BRFSS will have oral health data.  In other years, only states that opt to include the oral health optional module or used state-added questions related to oral health will have oral health data.

State BRFSS coordinators and public health program staff meet every year at the annual BRFSS conference to agree upon the content to include in the core questionnaires and optional modules for future years.  Three oral health questions (last dental visit, number of teeth removed, and last dental cleaning) were offered in the 2005 optional module and are included in the 2006 core questionnaire.

Number of states with data for each oral health question by year



Questions asked


States participating

Last dental visit

How many teeth removed

Last dental cleaning

Reason no visit past year

Dental Insurance


49 states, DC, PR, VI
(Hawaii data not released)
X X X    


10 X X X    


50 states, DC, GU, PR, VI X X X    


14 X X X X X


9 X X X X X


50 states, DC, PR X X X    


11 X X   X X


20 X X   X X


21 X X   X X


24 X X   X X

This content was abstracted from questionnaires published on the BRFSS Web site