NIAAA grant R37 AA009986.   This grant is focused on understanding the interactions of ethanol with NMDA receptors-ionotropic glutamate receptors involved in excitatory synaptic transmission. We use mutagenesis, electrophysiology and behavior to study how altering the ethanol sensitivity of NMDA receptors changes the brain's response to alcohol. 


Top left:Glutamate synapse. Top right: GluN1/2A NMDAR. Middle left: TM domains of GluN1/GluN2A NMDAR-GluN1 F639 residue shown in center. Middle right: Etoh inhibition of mPFC NMDA EPSCs in WT and F639A mice. 

Bottom: Effects of ethanol on rotorod performance in WT and F639A mice. Right: Summary of behavioral changes in F639A mice
