MUSC Core Centers for Clinical Research (CCCR)

Request for Applications (RFA) for Pilot Project Program Grants

2019 Funding Cycle




The MUSC Core Center for Clinical Research is seeking pilot project applications for the 2019 cycle. The title of the CCCR is Improving Minority Health in Rheumatic Diseases. We are requesting applications that address research questions relevant to this topic. The proposal can address directly minority health in rheumatic diseases or address questions relevant to improving health in rheumatic diseases regardless of race/ethnicity.


There are two proposal types:


A.   Faculty pilot projects: The PI must be on faculty at MUSC at the Instructor level or higher. These grants are for one year and budgets of $25,000 to $35,000 will be accepted. The area of research must be relevant to rheumatic diseases and with direct human relevance.


B.   Postdoctoral projects: This is the first offering of pilot project funding for postdoctoral fellows mentored by a tenure track MUSC faculty member. These are one-year awards ranging from $5-$10,000. The area of research must be relevant to rheumatic diseases and with direct human relevance.


Click here to download the complete RFA:


CCCR Pilot Project RFA



Contact Gary Gilkeson, MD


Phone: 843-789-6799