BMTRY 702:
Methods III: Advanced ANOVA and RegressionInstructor: Mulugeta Gebregziabher, PhD
Phone: 876-1112
Hours: Tue/Th
1-2 or by
JL: John Lawson (2010). Design &
Analysis of Experiments with SAS, CRC Press
Topics Covered and Approximate Schedule
Days 1-4 Single Factor Experiments (JL-Ch 2) - Lecture1-4
SamplesizePower CRD-examplecode GLM-examplecode
Days 5-11 Experiments with Two or More Factors (JL-Ch 3 and 4) Lecture5-7 Lectures8- 11 BIBD SASReading
Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) DetergentStudyRCBD SAS examples from JL textbook
Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) ANCOVAexample1 ANCOVAexample2 TestofHomogneityofVarianceinRCBD
General factorial designs creatingFactorialDesign factorialHormonex FactorialRCBD Unbalancedfactorial
Days 12-16 Repeated Measures Design (JL-Ch 9 and FLW-Ch 3, ch-16) Lecture13-14 RM1 RM2
Random and Mixed effects models using Proc Mixed and GLM example1 example2 example3
Lecture15_supplement Lecture16-17 MANOVAexample
SAS Demo 2 (Proc Mixed) vertical and horizontal SAS code 3ImportantGraphs ExerciseandDiet RM1 RM2_HR RM2_rat
SAS Examples: FEVdata DBP_lecture17 DBPdata LeadData Lead_lecture19 TLC_lecture19 ExerciseandStrengthStudy
Days 22-24 Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMM) (FLW ch10-12) Lectures 23-24
SAS Demo 3 (Proc GLMMIX) epilepsy_lecture23 tlc_lecture23 tlc_data
Days 25-26 Missing Data (FLW ch14 ) Lecture25-26
SAS Demo 4 (Proc MI and MIANALYZE) MissingData