/*sealants.sas*/ /*June 2, 2005*/ /*Laurie Barker*/ /*Program to recreate estimates for NHANES 1999-2002 MMWR*/ /*Pit and fissure sealants on permanent teeth*/ /*Reads NH4MMWR and NH3MMWR*/ /*Variables used in this section */ /* SEQN Respondent sequence number ageCPDMF Ages 6 to 19 in 3 groups ASDIST2F Age standardization for ages 6 to 19 by single years of age ASDIST2D Age and sex standardization for ages 6 to 19 by single years of age RIDAGEYR Age in Years RIAGENDR Gender RIDRETH2 Race/Ethnicity PIRGRP3 Poverty in 3 groups WTMEC4YR Weights for 1999-2002 MEC examined SDDSRVYR Survey cycle SDMVSTRA Strata SDMVPSU PSU OHDSEALper="Has 1 or more sealants on permanent teeth (upper lateral incisors, premolars, 1st and 2nd molars)" OHDSEALlat="Has 1 or more sealants on permanent upper lateral incisor teeth" OHDSEALpre="Has 1 or more sealants on permanent premolar teeth" OHDSEAL1st="Has 1 or more sealants on permanent 1st molar teeth" OHDSEAL2nd="Has 1 or more sealants on permanent 2nd molar teeth" OHDSEALmol="Has 1 or more sealants on permanent 1st or 2nd molar teeth" HPSEAL12="Has both 1st and 2nd perm molars elig for seal and at least 1 sealed" sealnper1="Number of sealed permanent teeth (upper lateral incisors, premolars, 1st and 2nd molars)" sealnper2="Number of eligible unsealed permanent teeth (upper lateral incisors, premolars, 1st and 2nd molars)" sealnlat1="Number of sealed permanent upper lateral incisor teeth" sealnlat2="Number of eligible unsealed permanent upper lateral incisor teeth" sealnpre1="Number of sealed permanent premolars" sealnpre2="Number of eligible unsealed permanent premolars" sealn1st1="Number of sealed permanent 1st molars" sealn1st2="Number of eligible unsealed permanent 1st molars" sealn2nd1="Number of sealed permanent 2nd molars" sealn2nd2="Number of eligible unsealed permanent 2nd molars" sealnmol1="Number of sealed permanent 1st or 2nd molars" sealnmol2="Number of eligible unsealed permanent 1st or 2nd molars" neligper="Number of permanent teeth eligible for sealants" neliglat="Number of permanent upper lateral incisors eligible for sealants" neligpre="Number of permanent premolars eligible for sealants" nelig1st="Number of permanent 1st molars eligible for sealants" nelig2nd="Number of permanent 2nd molars eligible for sealants" neligmol="Number of permanent 1st or 2nd molars eligible for sealants" slelgper="1=Has at least 1 permanent tooth eligible for sealants" slelglat="1=Has at least 1 permanent upper lateral incisor eligible for sealants" slelgpre="1=Has at least 1 permanent premolar eligible for sealants" slelg1st="1=Has at least 1 permanent 1st molar eligible for sealants" slelg2nd="1=Has at least 1 permanent 2nd molar eligible for sealants" slelgmol="1=Has at least 1 permanent 1st or 2nd molar eligible for sealants" OHDSEALlata="Has 1 or more sealants on permanent upper lateral incisor teeth -denom 1 or more perm elig" OHDSEALprea="Has 1 or more sealants on permanent premolar teeth -denom 1 or more perm elig" OHDSEAL1sta="Has 1 or more sealants on permanent 1st molar teeth -denom 1 or more perm elig" OHDSEAL2nda="Has 1 or more sealants on permanent 2nd molar teeth -denom 1 or more perm elig" OHDSEALmola="Has 1 or more sealants on permanent 1st or 2nd molar teeth -denom 1 or more perm elig" sealnlat1a="Number of sealed permanent upper lateral incisor teeth -denom 1 or more perm elig" sealnpre1a="Number of sealed permanent premolars -denom 1 or more perm elig" sealn1st1a="Number of sealed permanent 1st molars -denom 1 or more perm elig" sealn2nd1a="Number of sealed permanent 2nd molars -denom 1 or more perm elig" sealnmol1a="Number of sealed permanent 1st or 2nd molars -denom 1 or more perm elig" */ proc format; value sex 1="Male" 2="Female" ; value phase 1="1999-2000" 2="2001-2002" ; value ageyc 1="2-5" 2="6-11" ; value ageca 1="6-11" 2="12-15" 3="16-19" ; value race 1="NH White" 2="NH Black" 3="Mexican American" 4="Other/including Multi-racial" 5="Other Hispanic" ; value pir 1="<100" 2="100-199" 3="200+" ; value yesno 1="yes" 2="No" ; run; /*NHANES 1999-2002*/ LIBNAME NHANESAB "K:/DOH/EVERYONE/NHANES/NHANES19992002/AnalysisFiles"; proc sort data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr; by SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU; run; /*Table D1. Percent of children and adolescents with dental sealants on permanent teeth* (includes sealants on pit-and-fissure surfaces of permanent molars, premolars, and upper lateral incisors) among children and adolescents aged 6 to 19 years, by selected characteristics -- United States, 1988-1994 and 1999-2002*/ proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*D1. Sealant prevalence - not age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDSEALperX ; catlevel 1; subpopn ridageyr >=6 and ridageyr<=19 and slelgperX=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3; level 5 3 2 3 ; tables ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 ageSEAL2*RIAGENDR ageSEAL2*RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2*PIRGRP3; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ageSEAL2 ageca. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANESAB.N4D1u REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "D1. N IV phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (1 yr) Prevalence of sealants on perm teeth among ages 6 to 19 (N4D1u)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4D1u; set NHANESAB.N4D1u; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4D1u "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*D1. Sealant prevalence - age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDSEALperX ; catlevel 1; subpopn ridageyr >=6 and ridageyr<=19 and slelgperX=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 ASDIST2F; level 5 3 2 3 14; tables RIAGENDR ageSEAL2*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST2F; Stdwgt 0.070091 0.071164 0.069840 0.075565 0.075671 0.072059 0.070502 0.070180 0.070377 0.070699 0.068946 0.071772 0.070431 0.072703; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ageSEAL2 ageca. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANESAB.N4D1aa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "D1. N IV phase I + II age adjusted (1 yr) Prevalence of sealants on perm teeth among ages 6 to 19 (N4D1aa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4D1aa; set NHANESAB.N4D1aa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4D1aa "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*D1. Sealant prevalence - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDSEALperX ; catlevel 1; subpopn ridageyr >=6 and ridageyr<=19 and slelgperX=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 ASDIST2D; level 5 3 2 3 28; tables ageSEAL2 RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 ageSEAL2*RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2*PIRGRP3; Stdvar ASDIST2D; Stdwgt 0.035884 0.034185 0.036439 0.034739 0.035705 0.034131 0.038728 0.036832 0.038821 0.036850 0.036904 0.035151 0.036063 0.034453 0.035902 0.034292 0.036081 0.034292 0.036242 0.034453 0.035437 0.033505 0.036958 0.034811 0.036009 0.034417 0.037011 0.035705 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ageSEAL2 ageca. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent/ filename=NHANESAB.N4D1asa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "D1. N IV phase I + II age/sex adjusted (1 yr) Prevalence of sealants on perm teeth among ages 6 to 19 (N4D1asa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4D1asa; set NHANESAB.N4D1asa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4D1asa "; run; /*Table D2. Mean number of permanent teeth with dental sealants* (includes sealants on pit-and-fissure surfaces of permanent molars, premolars, and upper lateral incisors) among children and adolescents aged 6 to 19 years with at least one sealed tooth, by selected characteristics -- United States, 1988-1994 and 1999-2002*/ proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr; /*D2. Mean number of perm teeth with sealants among those w/1+ sealants - not adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var sealnper1X; subpopn OHDSEALperX=1 and slelgperX=1 and ridageyr >=6 and ridageyr <=19; subgroup RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3; level 5 3 2 3 ; tables ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 ageSEAL2*RIAGENDR ageSEAL2*RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2*PIRGRP3; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ageSEAL2 ageca. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4D2u REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "D2. N IV phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (1 yr) Mean number of sealants on perm teeth among ages 6 to 19 with 1+ sealant (N4D2u)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4D2u; set NHANESAB.N4D2u; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4D2u "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr; /*D2. Mean number of perm teeth with sealants among those w/1+ sealants - age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var sealnper1X; subpopn OHDSEALperX=1 and slelgperX=1 and ridageyr >=6 and ridageyr <=19; subgroup RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 ASDIST2F; level 5 3 2 3 14; tables RIAGENDR ageSEAL2*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST2F; Stdwgt 0.070091 0.071164 0.069840 0.075565 0.075671 0.072059 0.070502 0.070180 0.070377 0.070699 0.068946 0.071772 0.070431 0.072703; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ageSEAL2 ageca. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4D2aa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "D2. N IV phase I + II age adjusted (1 yr) Mean number of sealants on perm teeth among ages 6 to 19 with 1+ sealant (N4D2aa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4D2aa; set NHANESAB.N4D2aa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4D2aa "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr; /*D2. Mean number of perm teeth with sealants among those w/1+ sealants - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var sealnper1X; subpopn OHDSEALperX=1 and slelgperX=1 and ridageyr >=6 and ridageyr <=19; subgroup RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 ASDIST2D; level 5 3 2 3 28; tables ageSEAL2 RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 ageSEAL2*RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2*PIRGRP3; Stdvar ASDIST2D; Stdwgt 0.035884 0.034185 0.036439 0.034739 0.035705 0.034131 0.038728 0.036832 0.038821 0.036850 0.036904 0.035151 0.036063 0.034453 0.035902 0.034292 0.036081 0.034292 0.036242 0.034453 0.035437 0.033505 0.036958 0.034811 0.036009 0.034417 0.037011 0.035705; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ageSEAL2 ageca. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4D2asa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "D2. N IV phase I + II age/sex adjusted (1 yr) Mean number of sealants on perm teeth among ages 6 to 19 with 1+ sealant (N4D2asa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4D2asa; set NHANESAB.N4D2asa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4D2asa "; run; /*Table D3. Mean number of permanent teeth sealed by tooth type* (includes sealants on pit-and-fissure surfaces of permanent molars (1st and 2nd separate) and premolars, (upper lateral incisors - not shown in the table)) among children and adolescents aged 6 to 19 years with at least one sealed tooth, by selected characteristics -- United States, 1988-1994 and 1999-2002*/ proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr; /*D3. Mean number of perm premolar with sealants among those w/1+ sealants - not adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var sealnpre1X; subpopn OHDSEALperX=1 and slelgperX=1 and ridageyr >=6 and ridageyr <=19; subgroup RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3; level 5 3 2 3 ; tables ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 ageSEAL2*RIAGENDR ageSEAL2*RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2*PIRGRP3; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ageSEAL2 ageca. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4D3Au REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "D3. N IV phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (1 yr) Mean number of sealants on perm premolars among ages 6 to 19 with 1+ sealant (N4D3Au)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4D3Au; set NHANESAB.N4D3Au; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4D3Au "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr; /*D3. Mean number of perm premolars with sealants among those w/1+ sealants - age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var sealnpre1X; subpopn OHDSEALperX=1 and slelgperX=1 and ridageyr >=6 and ridageyr <=19; subgroup RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 ASDIST2F; level 5 3 2 3 14; tables RIAGENDR ageSEAL2*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST2F; Stdwgt 0.070091 0.071164 0.069840 0.075565 0.075671 0.072059 0.070502 0.070180 0.070377 0.070699 0.068946 0.071772 0.070431 0.072703; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ageSEAL2 ageca. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4D3Aaa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "D3. N IV phase I + II age adjusted (1 yr) Mean number of sealants on perm premolars among ages 6 to 19 with 1+ sealant (N4D3Aaa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4D3Aaa; set NHANESAB.N4D3Aaa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4D3Aaa "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr; /*D3. Mean number of perm premolars with sealants among those w/1+ sealants - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var sealnpre1X; subpopn OHDSEALperX=1 and slelgperX=1 and ridageyr >=6 and ridageyr <=19; subgroup RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 ASDIST2D; level 5 3 2 3 28; tables ageSEAL2 RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 ageSEAL2*RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2*PIRGRP3; Stdvar ASDIST2D; Stdwgt 0.035884 0.034185 0.036439 0.034739 0.035705 0.034131 0.038728 0.036832 0.038821 0.036850 0.036904 0.035151 0.036063 0.034453 0.035902 0.034292 0.036081 0.034292 0.036242 0.034453 0.035437 0.033505 0.036958 0.034811 0.036009 0.034417 0.037011 0.035705; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ageSEAL2 ageca. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4D3Aasa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "D3. N IV phase I + II age/sex adjusted (1 yr) Mean number of sealants on perm premolar among ages 6 to 19 with 1+ sealant (N4D3Aasa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4D3Aasa; set NHANESAB.N4D3Aasa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4D3Aasa"; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr; /*D3. Mean number of perm 1st molars with sealants among those w/1+ sealants - not adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var sealn1st1X; subpopn OHDSEALperX=1 and slelgperX=1 and ridageyr >=6 and ridageyr <=19; subgroup RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3; level 5 3 2 3 ; tables ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 ageSEAL2*RIAGENDR ageSEAL2*RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2*PIRGRP3; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ageSEAL2 ageca. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4D3Bu REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "D3. N IV phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (1 yr) Mean number of sealants on perm 1st molarss among ages 6 to 19 with 1+ sealant (N4D3Bu)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4D3Bu; set NHANESAB.N4D3Bu; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4D3Bu "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr; /*D3. Mean number of perm 1st molars with sealants among those w/1+ sealants - age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var sealn1st1X; subpopn OHDSEALperX=1 and slelgperX=1 and ridageyr >=6 and ridageyr <=19; subgroup RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 ASDIST2F; level 5 3 2 3 14; tables RIAGENDR ageSEAL2*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST2F; Stdwgt 0.070091 0.071164 0.069840 0.075565 0.075671 0.072059 0.070502 0.070180 0.070377 0.070699 0.068946 0.071772 0.070431 0.072703; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ageSEAL2 ageca. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4D3Baa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "D3. N IV phase I + II age adjusted (1 yr) Mean number of sealants on perm 1st molars among ages 6 to 19 with 1+ sealant (N4D3Baa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4D3Baa; set NHANESAB.N4D3Baa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4D3Baa "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr; /*D3. Mean number of perm 1st molars with sealants among those w/1+ sealants - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var sealn1st1X; subpopn OHDSEALperX=1 and slelgperX=1 and ridageyr >=6 and ridageyr <=19; subgroup RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 ASDIST2D; level 5 3 2 3 28; tables ageSEAL2 RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 ageSEAL2*RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2*PIRGRP3; Stdvar ASDIST2D; Stdwgt 0.035884 0.034185 0.036439 0.034739 0.035705 0.034131 0.038728 0.036832 0.038821 0.036850 0.036904 0.035151 0.036063 0.034453 0.035902 0.034292 0.036081 0.034292 0.036242 0.034453 0.035437 0.033505 0.036958 0.034811 0.036009 0.034417 0.037011 0.035705; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ageSEAL2 ageca. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4D3Basa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "D3. N IV phase I + II age/sex adjusted (1 yr) Mean number of sealants on perm 1st molars among ages 6 to 19 with 1+ sealant (N4D3Basa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4D3Basa; set NHANESAB.N4D3Basa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4D3Basa"; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr; /*D3. Mean number of perm 2nd molars with sealants among those w/1+ sealants - not adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var sealn2nd1X; subpopn OHDSEALperX=1 and slelgperX=1 and ridageyr >=6 and ridageyr <=19; subgroup RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3; level 5 3 2 3 ; tables ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 ageSEAL2*RIAGENDR ageSEAL2*RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2*PIRGRP3; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ageSEAL2 ageca. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4D3Cu REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "D3. N IV phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (1 yr) Mean number of sealants on perm 2nd molarss among ages 6 to 19 with 1+ sealant (N4D3Cu)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4D3Cu; set NHANESAB.N4D3Cu; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4D3Cu "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr; /*D3. Mean number of perm 2nd molars with sealants among those w/1+ sealants - age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var sealn2nd1X; subpopn OHDSEALperX=1 and slelgperX=1 and ridageyr >=6 and ridageyr <=19; subgroup RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 ASDIST2F; level 5 3 2 3 14; tables RIAGENDR ageSEAL2*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST2F; Stdwgt 0.070091 0.071164 0.069840 0.075565 0.075671 0.072059 0.070502 0.070180 0.070377 0.070699 0.068946 0.071772 0.070431 0.072703; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ageSEAL2 ageca. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4D3Caa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "D3. N IV phase I + II age adjusted (1 yr) Mean number of sealants on perm 2nd molars among ages 6 to 19 with 1+ sealant (N4D3Caa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4D3Caa; set NHANESAB.N4D3Caa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4D3Caa "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr; /*D3. Mean number of perm 2nd molars with sealants among those w/1+ sealants - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var sealn2nd1X; subpopn OHDSEALperX=1 and slelgperX=1 and ridageyr >=6 and ridageyr <=19; subgroup RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 ASDIST2D; level 5 3 2 3 28; tables ageSEAL2 RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 ageSEAL2*RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2*PIRGRP3; Stdvar ASDIST2D; Stdwgt 0.035884 0.034185 0.036439 0.034739 0.035705 0.034131 0.038728 0.036832 0.038821 0.036850 0.036904 0.035151 0.036063 0.034453 0.035902 0.034292 0.036081 0.034292 0.036242 0.034453 0.035437 0.033505 0.036958 0.034811 0.036009 0.034417 0.037011 0.035705; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ageSEAL2 ageca. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4D3Casa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "D3. N IV phase I + II age/sex adjusted (1 yr) Mean number of sealants on perm 2nd molars among ages 6 to 19 with 1+ sealant (N4D3Casa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4D3Casa; set NHANESAB.N4D3Casa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4D3Casa"; run; /*Table D1b. Percent of children and adolescents aged 6 to 19 years with dental sealants on permanent molar teeth* (includes sealants on pit-and-fissure surfaces of permanent molars only) among children and adolescents aged 6 to 19 years, by selected characteristics -- United States, 1988-1994 and 1999-2002*/ proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*D1b. Sealant prevalence on perm molars - not age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDSEALmolX ; catlevel 1; subpopn ridageyr >=6 and ridageyr<=19 and slelgmolX=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3; level 5 3 2 3 ; tables ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 ageSEAL2*RIAGENDR ageSEAL2*RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2*PIRGRP3; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ageSEAL2 ageca. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANESAB.N4D1bu REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "D1b. N IV phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (1 yr) Prevalence of sealants on perm molars among ages 6 to 19 (N4D1bu)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4D1bu; set NHANESAB.N4D1bu; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4D1bu "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*D1b. Sealant prevalence on perm molars - age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDSEALmolX ; catlevel 1; subpopn ridageyr >=6 and ridageyr<=19 and slelgmolX=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 ASDIST2F; level 5 3 2 3 14; tables RIAGENDR ageSEAL2*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST2F; Stdwgt 0.070091 0.071164 0.069840 0.075565 0.075671 0.072059 0.070502 0.070180 0.070377 0.070699 0.068946 0.071772 0.070431 0.072703; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ageSEAL2 ageca. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANESAB.N4D1baa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "D1b. N IV phase I + II age adjusted (1 yr) Prevalence of sealants on perm molars among ages 6 to 19 (N4D1baa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4D1baa; set NHANESAB.N4D1baa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4D1baa "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*D1b. Sealant prevalence - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDSEALmolX ; catlevel 1; subpopn ridageyr >=6 and ridageyr<=19 and slelgmolX=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 ASDIST2D; level 5 3 2 3 28; tables ageSEAL2 RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 ageSEAL2*RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2*PIRGRP3; Stdvar ASDIST2D; Stdwgt 0.035884 0.034185 0.036439 0.034739 0.035705 0.034131 0.038728 0.036832 0.038821 0.036850 0.036904 0.035151 0.036063 0.034453 0.035902 0.034292 0.036081 0.034292 0.036242 0.034453 0.035437 0.033505 0.036958 0.034811 0.036009 0.034417 0.037011 0.035705 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ageSEAL2 ageca. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent/ filename=NHANESAB.N4D1basa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "D1b. N IV phase I + II age/sex adjusted (1 yr) Prevalence of sealants on perm molars among ages 6 to 19 (N4D1basa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4D1basa; set NHANESAB.N4D1basa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4D1basa"; run; /*Compile estimates into one data set for export to MSExcel file (.xls)*/ data NHANESAB.N4Seal; set NHANESAB.N4D1u NHANESAB.N4D1aa NHANESAB.N4D1asa NHANESAB.N4D2u NHANESAB.N4D2aa NHANESAB.N4D2asa NHANESAB.N4D3Au NHANESAB.N4D3Aaa NHANESAB.N4D3Aasa NHANESAB.N4D3Bu NHANESAB.N4D3Baa NHANESAB.N4D3Basa NHANESAB.N4D3Cu NHANESAB.N4D3Caa NHANESAB.N4D3Casa NHANESAB.N4D1bu NHANESAB.N4D1baa NHANESAB.N4D1basa ; if ageSEAL2=0 then AgeGrp="Total 6 to 19 "; else if ageSEAL2=1 then AgeGrp="Age 6 to 11 "; else if ageSEAL2=2 then AgeGrp="Age 12 to 15 "; else if ageSEAL2=3 then AgeGrp="Age 16 to 19 "; if RIDRETH2=0 then Category="Total Race/Ethn "; else if RIDRETH2=1 then Category="NH White "; else if RIDRETH2=2 then Category="NH Black "; else if RIDRETH2=3 then Category="Mexican American "; else if RIDRETH2=4 then Category="Other/MultiRace "; else if RIDRETH2=5 then Category="Other Hispanic "; /* if RACE=0 then Category="Total Race DMARACER "; else if RACE=1 then Category="White "; else if RACE=2 then Category="Black "; else if RACE=3 then Category="Other "; else if RACE=4 then Category="MexAm unknown race "; if HISPANIC=0 then Category="Total HISPANIC "; else if HISPANIC=1 then Category="Hispanic "; else if HISPANIC=2 then Category="Not Hispanic "; if DMAETHNR=0 then Category="Total DMAETHNR "; else if DMAETHNR=1 then Category="Mex. Am DMAETHNR "; else if DMAETHNR=2 then Category="OthH. DMAETHNR "; else if DMAETHNR=3 then Category="NotH. DMAETHNR "; */ if RIAGENDR=0 then Category="Total Gender "; else if RIAGENDR=1 then Category="Male "; else if RIAGENDR=2 then Category="Female "; if PIRGRP3=0 then Category="Total PIR "; else if PIRGRP3=1 then Category="<100 "; else if PIRGRP3=2 then Category="100-199 "; else if PIRGRP3=3 then Category=">=200 "; /* if DMDEDUx=0 then Category="Total Education "; else if DMDEDUx=1 then Category="0 then do; RSE=sepercent/percent; /*Relative Standard Error*/ end; if mean>0 then do; RSE=semean/mean; /*Relative Standard Error*/ end; keep tablename AgeGrp Category nsum rse percent sepercent mean semean ; run; PROC EXPORT DATA= NHANESAB.N4Seal OUTFILE= "K:\DOH\EVERYONE\NHANES\MMWR19992002\N4Seal.xls" DBMS=EXCEL2000 REPLACE; RUN; ******************************************************************************************; /*NHANES 1988-1994*/ LIBNAME NHANEIII "K:/DOH/EVERYONE/NHANES/NHANES19881994/AnalysisFiles"; proc sort data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr; by SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6; run; /*Table D1. Percent of children and adolescents with dental sealants on permanent teeth* (includes sealants on pit-and-fissure surfaces of permanent molars, premolars, and upper lateral incisors) among children and adolescents aged 6 to 19 years, by selected characteristics -- United States, 1988-1994 and 1999-2002*/ proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*D1. Sealant prevalence - not age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDSEALperX ; catlevel 1; subpopn ridageyr >=6 and ridageyr<=19 and slelgperX=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3; level 5 3 2 3 ; tables ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 ageSEAL2*RIAGENDR ageSEAL2*RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2*PIRGRP3; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ageSEAL2 ageca. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANEIII.N3D1u REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "D1. N III phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (1 yr) Prevalence of sealants on perm teeth among ages 6 to 19 (N3D1u)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3D1u; set NHANEIII.N3D1u; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3D1u "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*D1. Sealant prevalence - age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDSEALperX ; catlevel 1; subpopn ridageyr >=6 and ridageyr<=19 and slelgperX=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 ASDIST2F; level 5 3 2 3 14; tables RIAGENDR ageSEAL2*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST2F; Stdwgt 0.070091 0.071164 0.069840 0.075565 0.075671 0.072059 0.070502 0.070180 0.070377 0.070699 0.068946 0.071772 0.070431 0.072703; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ageSEAL2 ageca. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANEIII.N3D1aa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "D1. N III phase I + II age adjusted (1 yr) Prevalence of sealants on perm teeth among ages 6 to 19 (N3D1aa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3D1aa; set NHANEIII.N3D1aa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3D1aa "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*D1. Sealant prevalence - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDSEALperX ; catlevel 1; subpopn ridageyr >=6 and ridageyr<=19 and slelgperX=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 ASDIST2D; level 5 3 2 3 28; tables ageSEAL2 RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 ageSEAL2*RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2*PIRGRP3; Stdvar ASDIST2D; Stdwgt 0.035884 0.034185 0.036439 0.034739 0.035705 0.034131 0.038728 0.036832 0.038821 0.036850 0.036904 0.035151 0.036063 0.034453 0.035902 0.034292 0.036081 0.034292 0.036242 0.034453 0.035437 0.033505 0.036958 0.034811 0.036009 0.034417 0.037011 0.035705 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ageSEAL2 ageca. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent/ filename=NHANEIII.N3D1asa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "D1. N III phase I + II age/sex adjusted (1 yr) Prevalence of sealants on perm teeth among ages 6 to 19 (N3D1asa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3D1asa; set NHANEIII.N3D1asa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3D1asa "; run; /*Table D2. Mean number of permanent teeth with dental sealants* (includes sealants on pit-and-fissure surfaces of permanent molars, premolars, and upper lateral incisors) among children and adolescents aged 6 to 19 years with at least one sealed tooth, by selected characteristics -- United States, 1988-1994 and 1999-2002*/ proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr; /*D2. Mean number of perm teeth with sealants among those w/1+ sealants - not adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var sealnper1X; subpopn OHDSEALperX=1 and slelgperX=1 and ridageyr >=6 and ridageyr <=19; subgroup RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3; level 5 3 2 3 ; tables ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 ageSEAL2*RIAGENDR ageSEAL2*RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2*PIRGRP3; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ageSEAL2 ageca. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3D2u REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "D2. N III phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (1 yr) Mean number of sealants on perm teeth among ages 6 to 19 with 1+ sealant (N3D2u)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3D2u; set NHANEIII.N3D2u; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3D2u "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr; /*D2. Mean number of perm teeth with sealants among those w/1+ sealants - age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var sealnper1X; subpopn OHDSEALperX=1 and slelgperX=1 and ridageyr >=6 and ridageyr <=19; subgroup RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 ASDIST2F; level 5 3 2 3 14; tables RIAGENDR ageSEAL2*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST2F; Stdwgt 0.070091 0.071164 0.069840 0.075565 0.075671 0.072059 0.070502 0.070180 0.070377 0.070699 0.068946 0.071772 0.070431 0.072703; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ageSEAL2 ageca. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3D2aa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "D2. N III phase I + II age adjusted (1 yr) Mean number of sealants on perm teeth among ages 6 to 19 with 1+ sealant (N3D2aa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3D2aa; set NHANEIII.N3D2aa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3D2aa "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr; /*D2. Mean number of perm teeth with sealants among those w/1+ sealants - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var sealnper1X; subpopn OHDSEALperX=1 and slelgperX=1 and ridageyr >=6 and ridageyr <=19; subgroup RIDRETH2 ageCPDMF RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 ASDIST2D; level 5 3 2 3 28; tables ageCPDMF RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 ageCPDMF*RIDRETH2 ageCPDMF*PIRGRP3; Stdvar ASDIST2D; Stdwgt 0.035884 0.034185 0.036439 0.034739 0.035705 0.034131 0.038728 0.036832 0.038821 0.036850 0.036904 0.035151 0.036063 0.034453 0.035902 0.034292 0.036081 0.034292 0.036242 0.034453 0.035437 0.033505 0.036958 0.034811 0.036009 0.034417 0.037011 0.035705; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ageCPDMF ageca. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3D2asa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "D2. N III phase I + II age/sex adjusted (1 yr) Mean number of sealants on perm teeth among ages 6 to 19 with 1+ sealant (N3D2asa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3D2asa; set NHANEIII.N3D2asa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3D2asa "; run; /*Table D3. Mean number of permanent teeth sealed by tooth type* (includes sealants on pit-and-fissure surfaces of permanent molars (1st and 2nd separate) and premolars, (upper lateral incisors - not shown in the table)) among children and adolescents aged 6 to 19 years with at least one sealed tooth, by selected characteristics -- United States, 1988-1994 and 1999-2002*/ proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr; /*D3. Mean number of perm premolar with sealants among those w/1+ sealants - not adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var sealnpre1X; subpopn OHDSEALperX=1 and slelgperX=1 and ridageyr >=6 and ridageyr <=19; subgroup RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3; level 5 3 2 3 ; tables ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 ageSEAL2*RIAGENDR ageSEAL2*RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2*PIRGRP3; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ageSEAL2 ageca. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3D3Au REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "D3. N III phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (1 yr) Mean number of sealants on perm premolars among ages 6 to 19 with 1+ sealant (N3D3Au)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3D3Au; set NHANEIII.N3D3Au; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3D3Au "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr; /*D3. Mean number of perm premolars with sealants among those w/1+ sealants - age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var sealnpre1X; subpopn OHDSEALperX=1 and slelgperX=1 and ridageyr >=6 and ridageyr <=19; subgroup RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 ASDIST2F; level 5 3 2 3 14; tables RIAGENDR ageSEAL2*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST2F; Stdwgt 0.070091 0.071164 0.069840 0.075565 0.075671 0.072059 0.070502 0.070180 0.070377 0.070699 0.068946 0.071772 0.070431 0.072703; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ageSEAL2 ageca. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3D3Aaa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "D3. N III phase I + II age adjusted (1 yr) Mean number of sealants on perm premolars among ages 6 to 19 with 1+ sealant (N3D3Aaa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3D3Aaa; set NHANEIII.N3D3Aaa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3D3Aaa "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr; /*D3. Mean number of perm premolars with sealants among those w/1+ sealants - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var sealnpre1X; subpopn OHDSEALperX=1 and slelgperX=1 and ridageyr >=6 and ridageyr <=19; subgroup RIDRETH2 ageCPDMF RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 ASDIST2D; level 5 3 2 3 28; tables ageCPDMF RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 ageCPDMF*RIDRETH2 ageCPDMF*PIRGRP3; Stdvar ASDIST2D; Stdwgt 0.035884 0.034185 0.036439 0.034739 0.035705 0.034131 0.038728 0.036832 0.038821 0.036850 0.036904 0.035151 0.036063 0.034453 0.035902 0.034292 0.036081 0.034292 0.036242 0.034453 0.035437 0.033505 0.036958 0.034811 0.036009 0.034417 0.037011 0.035705; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ageCPDMF ageca. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3D3Aasa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "D3. N III phase I + II age/sex adjusted (1 yr) Mean number of sealants on perm premolar among ages 6 to 19 with 1+ sealant (N3D3Aasa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3D3Aasa; set NHANEIII.N3D3Aasa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3D3Aasa"; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr; /*D3. Mean number of perm 1st molars with sealants among those w/1+ sealants - not adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var sealn1st1X; subpopn OHDSEALperX=1 and slelgperX=1 and ridageyr >=6 and ridageyr <=19; subgroup RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3; level 5 3 2 3 ; tables ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 ageSEAL2*RIAGENDR ageSEAL2*RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2*PIRGRP3; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ageSEAL2 ageca. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3D3Bu REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "D3. N III phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (1 yr) Mean number of sealants on perm 1st molarss among ages 6 to 19 with 1+ sealant (N3D3Bu)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3D3Bu; set NHANEIII.N3D3Bu; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3D3Bu "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr; /*D3. Mean number of perm 1st molars with sealants among those w/1+ sealants - age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var sealn1st1X; subpopn OHDSEALperX=1 and slelgperX=1 and ridageyr >=6 and ridageyr <=19; subgroup RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 ASDIST2F; level 5 3 2 3 14; tables RIAGENDR ageSEAL2*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST2F; Stdwgt 0.070091 0.071164 0.069840 0.075565 0.075671 0.072059 0.070502 0.070180 0.070377 0.070699 0.068946 0.071772 0.070431 0.072703; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ageSEAL2 ageca. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3D3Baa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "D3. N III phase I + II age adjusted (1 yr) Mean number of sealants on perm 1st molars among ages 6 to 19 with 1+ sealant (N3D3Baa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3D3Baa; set NHANEIII.N3D3Baa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3D3Baa "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr; /*D3. Mean number of perm 1st molars with sealants among those w/1+ sealants - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var sealn1st1X; subpopn OHDSEALperX=1 and slelgperX=1 and ridageyr >=6 and ridageyr <=19; subgroup RIDRETH2 ageCPDMF RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 ASDIST2D; level 5 3 2 3 28; tables ageCPDMF RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 ageCPDMF*RIDRETH2 ageCPDMF*PIRGRP3; Stdvar ASDIST2D; Stdwgt 0.035884 0.034185 0.036439 0.034739 0.035705 0.034131 0.038728 0.036832 0.038821 0.036850 0.036904 0.035151 0.036063 0.034453 0.035902 0.034292 0.036081 0.034292 0.036242 0.034453 0.035437 0.033505 0.036958 0.034811 0.036009 0.034417 0.037011 0.035705; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ageCPDMF ageca. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3D3Basa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "D3. N III phase I + II age/sex adjusted (1 yr) Mean number of sealants on perm 1st molars among ages 6 to 19 with 1+ sealant (N3D3Basa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3D3Basa; set NHANEIII.N3D3Basa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3D3Basa"; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr; /*D3. Mean number of perm 2nd molars with sealants among those w/1+ sealants - not adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var sealn2nd1X; subpopn OHDSEALperX=1 and slelgperX=1 and ridageyr >=6 and ridageyr <=19; subgroup RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3; level 5 3 2 3 ; tables ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 ageSEAL2*RIAGENDR ageSEAL2*RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2*PIRGRP3; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ageSEAL2 ageca. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3D3Cu REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "D3. N III phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (1 yr) Mean number of sealants on perm 2nd molarss among ages 6 to 19 with 1+ sealant (N3D3Cu)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3D3Cu; set NHANEIII.N3D3Cu; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3D3Cu "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr; /*D3. Mean number of perm 2nd molars with sealants among those w/1+ sealants - age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var sealn2nd1X; subpopn OHDSEALperX=1 and slelgperX=1 and ridageyr >=6 and ridageyr <=19; subgroup RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 ASDIST2F; level 5 3 2 3 14; tables RIAGENDR ageSEAL2*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST2F; Stdwgt 0.070091 0.071164 0.069840 0.075565 0.075671 0.072059 0.070502 0.070180 0.070377 0.070699 0.068946 0.071772 0.070431 0.072703; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ageSEAL2 ageca. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3D3Caa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "D3. N III phase I + II age adjusted (1 yr) Mean number of sealants on perm 2nd molars among ages 6 to 19 with 1+ sealant (N3D3Caa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3D3Caa; set NHANEIII.N3D3Caa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3D3Caa "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr; /*D3. Mean number of perm 2nd molars with sealants among those w/1+ sealants - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var sealn2nd1X; subpopn OHDSEALperX=1 and slelgperX=1 and ridageyr >=6 and ridageyr <=19; subgroup RIDRETH2 ageCPDMF RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 ASDIST2D; level 5 3 2 3 28; tables ageCPDMF RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 ageCPDMF*RIDRETH2 ageCPDMF*PIRGRP3; Stdvar ASDIST2D; Stdwgt 0.035884 0.034185 0.036439 0.034739 0.035705 0.034131 0.038728 0.036832 0.038821 0.036850 0.036904 0.035151 0.036063 0.034453 0.035902 0.034292 0.036081 0.034292 0.036242 0.034453 0.035437 0.033505 0.036958 0.034811 0.036009 0.034417 0.037011 0.035705; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ageCPDMF ageca. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3D3Casa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f6.2 semeanfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "D3. N III phase I + II age/sex adjusted (1 yr) Mean number of sealants on perm 2nd molars among ages 6 to 19 with 1+ sealant (N3D3Casa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3D3Casa; set NHANEIII.N3D3Casa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3D3Casa"; run; /*Table D1b. Percent of children and adolescents aged 6 to 19 years with dental sealants on permanent molar teeth* (includes sealants on pit-and-fissure surfaces of permanent molars only) among children and adolescents aged 6 to 19 years, by selected characteristics -- United States, 1988-1994 and 1999-2002*/ proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*D1b. Sealant prevalence on perm molars - not age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDSEALmolX ; catlevel 1; subpopn ridageyr >=6 and ridageyr<=19 and slelgmolX=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3; level 5 3 2 3 ; tables ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 ageSEAL2*RIAGENDR ageSEAL2*RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2*PIRGRP3; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ageSEAL2 ageca. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANEIII.N3D1bu REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "D1b. N III phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (1 yr) Prevalence of sealants on perm molars among ages 6 to 19 (N3D1bu)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3D1bu; set NHANEIII.N3D1bu; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3D1bu "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*D1b. Sealant prevalence on perm molars - age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDSEALmolX ; catlevel 1; subpopn ridageyr >=6 and ridageyr<=19 and slelgmolX=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 ASDIST2F; level 5 3 2 3 14; tables RIAGENDR ageSEAL2*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST2F; Stdwgt 0.070091 0.071164 0.069840 0.075565 0.075671 0.072059 0.070502 0.070180 0.070377 0.070699 0.068946 0.071772 0.070431 0.072703; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ageSEAL2 ageca. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANEIII.N3D1baa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "D1b. N III phase I + II age adjusted (1 yr) Prevalence of sealants on perm molars among ages 6 to 19 (N3D1baa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3D1baa; set NHANEIII.N3D1baa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3D1baa "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*D1b. Sealant prevalence - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDSEALmolX ; catlevel 1; subpopn ridageyr >=6 and ridageyr<=19 and slelgmolX=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 ASDIST2D; level 5 3 2 3 28; tables ageSEAL2 RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 ageSEAL2*RIDRETH2 ageSEAL2*PIRGRP3; Stdvar ASDIST2D; Stdwgt 0.035884 0.034185 0.036439 0.034739 0.035705 0.034131 0.038728 0.036832 0.038821 0.036850 0.036904 0.035151 0.036063 0.034453 0.035902 0.034292 0.036081 0.034292 0.036242 0.034453 0.035437 0.033505 0.036958 0.034811 0.036009 0.034417 0.037011 0.035705 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ageSEAL2 ageca. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent/ filename=NHANEIII.N3D1basa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "D1b. N III phase I + II age/sex adjusted (1 yr) Prevalence of sealants on perm molars among ages 6 to 19 (N3D1basa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3D1basa; set NHANEIII.N3D1basa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3D1basa"; run; /*Compile estimates into one data set for export to MSExcel file (.xls)*/ data NHANEIII.N3Seal; set NHANEIII.N3D1u NHANEIII.N3D1aa NHANEIII.N3D1asa NHANEIII.N3D2u NHANEIII.N3D2aa NHANEIII.N3D2asa NHANEIII.N3D3Au NHANEIII.N3D3Aaa NHANEIII.N3D3Aasa NHANEIII.N3D3Bu NHANEIII.N3D3Baa NHANEIII.N3D3Basa NHANEIII.N3D3Cu NHANEIII.N3D3Caa NHANEIII.N3D3Casa NHANEIII.N3D1bu NHANEIII.N3D1baa NHANEIII.N3D1basa ; if ageSEAL2=0 then AgeGrp="Total 6 to 19 "; else if ageSEAL2=1 then AgeGrp="Age 6 to 11 "; else if ageSEAL2=2 then AgeGrp="Age 12 to 15 "; else if ageSEAL2=3 then AgeGrp="Age 16 to 19 "; if RIDRETH2=0 then Category="Total Race/Ethn "; else if RIDRETH2=1 then Category="NH White "; else if RIDRETH2=2 then Category="NH Black "; else if RIDRETH2=3 then Category="Mexican American "; else if RIDRETH2=4 then Category="Other/MultiRace "; else if RIDRETH2=5 then Category="Other Hispanic "; /* if RACE=0 then Category="Total Race DMARACER "; else if RACE=1 then Category="White "; else if RACE=2 then Category="Black "; else if RACE=3 then Category="Other "; else if RACE=4 then Category="MexAm unknown race "; if HISPANIC=0 then Category="Total HISPANIC "; else if HISPANIC=1 then Category="Hispanic "; else if HISPANIC=2 then Category="Not Hispanic "; if DMAETHNR=0 then Category="Total DMAETHNR "; else if DMAETHNR=1 then Category="Mex. Am DMAETHNR "; else if DMAETHNR=2 then Category="OthH. DMAETHNR "; else if DMAETHNR=3 then Category="NotH. DMAETHNR "; */ if RIAGENDR=0 then Category="Total Gender "; else if RIAGENDR=1 then Category="Male "; else if RIAGENDR=2 then Category="Female "; if PIRGRP3=0 then Category="Total PIR "; else if PIRGRP3=1 then Category="<100 "; else if PIRGRP3=2 then Category="100-199 "; else if PIRGRP3=3 then Category=">=200 "; /* if DMDEDUx=0 then Category="Total Education "; else if DMDEDUx=1 then Category="0 then do; RSE=sepercent/percent; /*Relative Standard Error*/ end; if mean>0 then do; RSE=semean/mean; /*Relative Standard Error*/ end; keep tablename AgeGrp Category nsum rse percent sepercent mean semean ; run; PROC EXPORT DATA= NHANEIII.N3Seal OUTFILE= "K:\DOH\EVERYONE\NHANES\MMWR19992002\N3Seal.xls" DBMS=EXCEL2000 REPLACE; RUN;