/*cariesadult.sas*/ /*June 2, 2005*/ /*Program to recreate estimates for NHANES 1999-2002 MMWR*/ /*Prevalence, mean df/DMF, percent contribution and percent by surface type*/ /*Reads NH4MMWR and NH3MMWR*/ /*Variables used in this section */ /* SEQN Respondent sequence number ASDIST4B Age Dist 4b ages 20 and older - 3 age groups 20-39, 40-59, 60+ ASDIST4Da Age Dist 4d ages 20 and older - age and sex, by 10-year age groups ASDIST4F Age Dist 4f 20+ - age, 5 year age groups overall ASDIST4Fa Age Dist 4fa 20+ - age, 10 year age groups overall RIDAGEYR Age in Years RIAGENDR Gender RIDRETH2 Race/Ethnicity PIRGRP3 Poverty in 3 groups DMDEDUX Education (individual's education not head of household) smokecfnX Smoking status (current, former, never) WTMEC4YR Weights for 1999-2002 MEC examined SDDSRVYR Survey cycle SDMVSTRA Strata SDMVPSU PSU OHDPRIb Has 1 or more primary teeth OHDPRMb Has 1 or more permanent teeth OHDTPb Has 1 or more primary or permanent teeth OHDPCEx Caries Experience in permanent teeth OHDPUDx Untreated decay in permanent teeth OHDPDTX DT - number of decayed permanent teeth OHDPMTX MT - number of permanent teeth missing due to caries or perio OHDPFTX FT - number of filled permanent teeth OHDPDFTX DFT - number of decayed and filled permanent teeth DT+FT OHDPDMFTX DMFT - number of decayed and filled permanent teeth DT+MT+FT OHDPDSX DS - number of decayed permanent surfaces OHDPMSX MS - number of permanent surfaces missing due to caries or perio OHDPFSX FS - number of filled permanent surfaces OHDPDFSX DFS - number of decayed and filled permanent surfaces DS+FS OHDPDMFSX DMFS - number of decayed, missing (due to disease) and filled permanent surfaces DS+MS+FS OHDPDDFSX percent D/DFS OHDPFDFSX percent F/DFS OHDPDDMFSX percent D/DMFS OHDPMDMFSX percent M/DMFS OHDPFDMFSX percent F/DMFS Add root caries variables OHXRTDF Root Caries - caries or restorations OHXRCAR Root Caries - has 1 or more untreated decayed root surfaces OHXRRES Root Caries - has 1 or more filled root surfaces OHDPUDX Untreated decay: has 1 or more permanent teeth with untreated decay OHDPCEX Caries experience: has 1 or more permanent teeth with untreated (D) or treated (F)decay OHDPCEaX Caries experience: has 1 or more permanent teeth with untreated (D) or treated (F)decay or missing due to caries or perio OHDPDTX DT - number of decayed permanent teeth OHDPMTX MT - number of permanent teeth missing due to caries or perio OHDPFTX FT - number of filled permanent teeth OHDPDFTX DFT - number of decayed and filled permanent teeth DT+FT OHDPDMFTX DMFT - number of decayed and filled permanent teeth DT+MT+FT OHDPDDFTX D/DFT (percent) OHDPFDFTX F/DFT (percent) OHDPDDMFTX D/DMFT (percent) OHDPFDMFTX F/DMFT (percent) OHDPMDMFTX M/DMFT (percent) OHDPDSX DS - number of decayed permanent surfaces OHDPDSlX DS - number of decayed permanent surfaces - lingual OHDPDSoX DS - number of decayed permanent surfaces - occlusal OHDPDSbX DS - number of decayed permanent surfaces - buccal OHDPDSmX DS - number of decayed permanent surfaces - mesial OHDPDSdX DS - number of decayed permanent surfaces - distal OHDPDSlbX DS - number of decayed permanent surfaces - lingual/buccal OHDPDSmdX DS - number of decayed permanent surfaces - mesial/distal OHDPMSX MS - number of permanent surfaces missing due to caries or perio OHDPMSlX MS - number of permanent surfaces missing due to caries or perio - lingual OHDPMSoX MS - number of permanent surfaces missing due to caries or perio - occlusal OHDPMSbX MS - number of permanent surfaces missing due to caries or perio - buccal OHDPMSmX MS - number of permanent surfaces missing due to caries or perio - mesial OHDPMSdX MS - number of permanent surfaces missing due to caries or perio - distal OHDPMSlbX MS - number of permanent surfaces missing due to caries or perio - lingual/buccal OHDPMSmdX MS - number of permanent surfaces missing due to caries or perio- mesial/distal OHDPFSX FS - number of filled permanent surfaces OHDPFSlX FS - number of filled permanent surfaces - lingual OHDPFSoX FS - number of filled permanent surfaces - occlusal OHDPFSbX FS - number of filled permanent surfaces - buccal OHDPFSmX FS - number of filled permanent surfaces - mesial OHDPFSdX FS - number of filled permanent surfaces - distal OHDPFSlbX FS - number of filled permanent surfaces - lingual/buccal OHDPFSmdX FS - number of filled permanent surfaces - mesial/distal OHDPDFSX DFS - number of decayed and filled permanent surfaces DS+FS OHDPDFSlX DFS - number of decayed and filled permanent surfaces DS+FS - lingual OHDPDFSoX DFS - number of decayed and filled permanent surfaces DS+FS - occlusal OHDPDFSbX DFS - number of decayed and filled permanent surfaces DS+FS - buccal OHDPDFSmX DFS - number of decayed and filled permanent surfaces DS+FS - mesial OHDPDFSdX DFS - number of decayed and filled permanent surfaces DS+FS - distal OHDPDFSlbX DFS - number of decayed and filled permanent surfaces DS+FS - lingual/buccal OHDPDFSmdX DFS - number of decayed and filled permanent surfaces DS+FS - mesial/distal OHDPDMFSX DMFS - number of decayed, missing (due to disease) and filled permanent surfaces DS+MS+FS OHDPDMFSlX DMFS - number of decayed, missing (due to disease) and filled permanent surfaces DS+MS+FS - lingual OHDPDMFSoX DMFS - number of decayed, missing (due to disease) and filled permanent surfaces DS+MS+FS - occlusal OHDPDMFSbX DMFS - number of decayed, missing (due to disease) and filled permanent surfaces DS+MS+FS - buccal OHDPDMFSmX DMFS - number of decayed, missing (due to disease) and filled permanent surfaces DS+MS+FS - mesial OHDPDMFSdX DMFS - number of decayed, missing (due to disease) and filled permanent surfaces DS+MS+FS - distal OHDPDMFSlbX DMFS - number of decayed, missing (due to disease) and filled permanent surfaces DS+MS+FS - lingual/buccal OHDPDMFSmdX DMFS - number of decayed, missing (due to disease) and filled permanent surfaces DS+MS+FS - mesial/distal OHDPDDFSX D/DFS (percent) OHDPFDFSX F/DFS (percent) OHDPDDMFSX D/DMFS (percent) OHDPFDMFSX F/DMFS (percent) OHDPMDMFSX M/DMFS (percent) OHDPplDFSX lingual/DFS (percent) OHDPpoDFSX occlusal/DFS (percent) OHDPpbDFSX buccal/DFS (percent) OHDPpmDFSX mesial/DFS (percent) OHDPpdDFSX distal/DFS (percent) OHDPplbDFSX lingual-buccal/DFS (percent) OHDPpmdDFSX mesial-distal/DFS (percent) OHDPplDMFSX lingual/DMFS (percent) OHDPpoDMFSX occlusal/DMFS (percent) OHDPpbDMFSX buccal/DMFS (percent) OHDPpmDMFSX mesial/DMFS (percent) OHDPpdDMFSX distal/DMFS (percent) OHDPplbDMFSX lingual-buccal/DMFS (percent) OHDPpmdDMFSX mesial-distal/DMFS (percent) OHXRTDFX Root Caries or restorations OHXRCARX Root Caries OHXRRESX Root Restorations dentate28P Dentate based on 28 permanent teeth exclusive of 3rd molars */ /*temporary formats*/ proc format; value sex 1="Male" 2="Female" ; value phase 1="1999-2000" 2="2001-2002" ; value age 1="20-39yr" 2="40-59yr" 3="60+ yr" ; value age5yr 1="20-24" 2="25-29" 3="30-34" 4="35-39" 5="40-44" 6="45-49" 7="50-54" 8="55-59" 9="60-64" 10="65-69" 11="70-74" 12="75-79" 13="80-84" 14="85+" ; value race 1="NH White" 2="NH Black" 3="Mexican American" 4="Other/including Multi-racial" 5="Other Hispanic" ; value pir 1="<100" 2="100-199" 3="200+" ; value yesno 1="yes" 2="No" ; value edu 1="=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANESAB.N4F1u REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F1. N IV phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Percent caries experience among dentate (N4F1u)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F1u; set NHANESAB.N4F1u; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F1u "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F1. Percent caries experience - age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPCEx ; catlevel 1 ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANESAB.N4F1aa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F1. N IV phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Percent caries experience among dentate (N4F1aa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F1aa; set NHANESAB.N4F1aa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F1aa "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F1. Percent caries experience - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPCEx ; catlevel 1 ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 wsumfmt=f15.1; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANESAB.N4F1asa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F1. N IV phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Percent caries experience among dentate (N4F1asa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F1asa; set NHANESAB.N4F1asa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F1asa "; run; /*Table F2. Prevalence of untreated carious lesions in permanent teeth of dentate adults aged 20 years and older*, by selected characteristics -- United States, 1988-1994 and 1999-2002*/ proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F2. Percent untreated caries - not age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPUDx ; catlevel 1 ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANESAB.N4F2u REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F2. N IV phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Percent untreated caries - among dentate (N4F2u)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F2u; set NHANESAB.N4F2u; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F2u "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F2. Percent Untreated caries - age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPUDx ; catlevel 1 ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANESAB.N4F2aa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F2. N IV phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Percent untreated caries - among dentate (N4F2aa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F2aa; set NHANESAB.N4F2aa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F2aa "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F2. Percent untreated caries - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPUDx ; catlevel 1 ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 wsumfmt=f15.1; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANESAB.N4F2asa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F2. N IV phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Percent untreated caries among dentate (N4F2asa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F2asa; set NHANESAB.N4F2asa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F2asa "; run; /*Table F3. Mean number of decayed (DT), missing (MT), filled (FT) and decayed, missing and filled (DMFT) permanent teeth of dentate adults aged 20 years and older*, by selected characteristics -- United States, 1988-1994 and 1999-2002*/ proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F3A. Mean DMFT - not age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDMFTx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4F3Au REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F3. N IV phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean DMFT among dentate (N4F3Au)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F3Au; set NHANESAB.N4F3Au; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F3Au "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F3. Mean DMFT - age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDMFTx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4F3Aaa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F3. N IV phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Mean DMFT among dentate (N4F3Aaa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F3Aaa; set NHANESAB.N4F3Aaa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F3Aaa "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F3. Mean DMFT - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDMFTx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4F3Aasa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F3. N IV phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean DMFT among dentate (N4F3Aasa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F3Aasa; set NHANESAB.N4F3Aasa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F3Aasa"; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F3. Mean DT - not age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDTx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4F3Bu REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F3. N IV phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean DT among dentate (N4F3Bu)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F3Bu; set NHANESAB.N4F3Bu; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F3Bu "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F3. Mean DT - age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDTx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4F3Baa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F3. N IV phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Mean DT among dentate (N4F3Baa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F3Baa; set NHANESAB.N4F3Baa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F3Baa"; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F3. Mean DT - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDTx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4F3Basa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F3. N IV phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean DT among dentate (N4F3Basa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F3Basa; set NHANESAB.N4F3Basa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F3Basa"; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F3. Mean MT - not age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPMTx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4F3Cu REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F3. N IV phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean MT among dentate (N4F3Cu)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F3Cu; set NHANESAB.N4F3Cu; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F3Cu "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F3. Mean MT - age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPMTx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4F3Caa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F3. N IV phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Mean MT among dentate (N4F3Caa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F3Caa; set NHANESAB.N4F3Caa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F3Caa "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F3. Mean MT - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPMTx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4F3Casa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F3. N IV phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean MT among dentate (N4F3Casa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F3Casa; set NHANESAB.N4F3Casa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F3Casa"; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F3. Mean FT - not age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPFTx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4F3Du REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F3. N IV phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean FT among dentate (N4F3Du)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F3Du; set NHANESAB.N4F3Du; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F3Du "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F3. Mean FT - age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPFTx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4F3Daa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F3. N IV phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Mean FT among dentate (N4F3Daa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F3Daa; set NHANESAB.N4F3Daa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F3Daa "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F3. Mean FT - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPFTx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4F3Dasa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F3. N IV phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean FT among dentate (N4F3Dasa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F3Dasa; set NHANESAB.N4F3Dasa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F3Dasa"; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F3E. Mean DFT - not age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDFTx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4F3Eu REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F3. N IV phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean DFT among dentate (N4F3Eu)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F3Eu; set NHANESAB.N4F3Eu; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F3Eu "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F3. Mean DFT - age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDFTx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4F3Eaa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F3. N IV phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Mean DFT among dentate (N4F3Eaa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F3Eaa; set NHANESAB.N4F3Eaa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F3Eaa "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F3. Mean DFT - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDFTx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4F3Easa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F3. N IV phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean DFT among dentate (N4F3Easa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F3Easa; set NHANESAB.N4F3Easa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F3Easa"; run; /*Table F4. Mean number of decayed (DS), missing (MS), filled (FS), decayed and filled (DFS) and decayed, missing and filled (DMFS) permanent tooth surfaces of dentate adults aged 20 years and older*, by selected characteristics -- United States, 1988-1994 and 1999-2002*/ proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F4. Mean DMFS - not age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDMFSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4F4Au REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F4. N IV phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean DMFS among dentate (N4F4Au)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F4Au; set NHANESAB.N4F4Au; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F4Au "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F4. Mean DMFS - age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDMFSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4F4Aaa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F4. N IV phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Mean DMFS among dentate (N4F4Aaa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F4Aaa; set NHANESAB.N4F4Aaa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F4Aaa "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F4. Mean DMFS - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDMFSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4F4Aasa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F4. N IV phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean DMFS among dentate (N4F4Aasa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F4Aasa; set NHANESAB.N4F4Aasa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F4Aasa"; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F4. Mean DFS - not age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDFSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4F4Bu REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F4. N IV phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean DFS among dentate (N4F4Bu)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F4Bu; set NHANESAB.N4F4Bu; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F4Bu "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F4. Mean DFS - age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDFSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4F4Baa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F4. N IV phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Mean DFS among dentate (N4F4Baa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F4Baa; set NHANESAB.N4F4Baa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F4Baa "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F4. Mean DFS - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDFSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4F4Basa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F4. N IV phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean DFS among dentate (N4F4Basa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F4Basa; set NHANESAB.N4F4Basa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F4Basa"; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F4. Mean DS - not age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4F4Cu REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F4. N IV phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean DS among dentate (N4F4Cu)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F4Cu; set NHANESAB.N4F4Cu; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F4Cu "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F4. Mean DS - age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4F4Caa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F4. N IV phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Mean DS among dentate (N4F4Caa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F4Caa; set NHANESAB.N4F4Caa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F4Caa "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F4. Mean DS - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4F4Casa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F4. N IV phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean DS among dentate (N4F4Casa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F4Casa; set NHANESAB.N4F4Casa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F4Casa"; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F4. Mean MS - not age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPMSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4F4Du REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F4. N IV phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean MS among dentate (N4F4Du)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F4Du; set NHANESAB.N4F4Du; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F4Du "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F4. Mean MS - age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPMSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4F4Daa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F4. N IV phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Mean MS among dentate (N4F4Daa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F4Daa; set NHANESAB.N4F4Daa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F4Daa "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F4. Mean MS - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPMSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4F4Dasa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F4. N IV phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean MS among dentate (N4F4Dasa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F4Dasa; set NHANESAB.N4F4Dasa; tablename="N4F4Dasa"; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F4. Mean FS - not age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPFSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4F4Eu REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F4. N IV phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean FS among dentate (N4F4Eu)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F4Eu; set NHANESAB.N4F4Eu; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F4Eu "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F4. Mean FS - age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPFSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4F4Eaa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F4. N IV phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Mean FS among dentate (N4F4Eaa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F4Eaa; set NHANESAB.N4F4Eaa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F4Eaa "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F4. Mean FS - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPFSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4F4Easa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F4. N IV phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean FS among dentate (N4F4Easa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F4Easa; set NHANESAB.N4F4Easa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F4Easa"; run; /*Table F5. Mean percent of decayed (DS/DFS) and filled (FS/DFS) permanent tooth surfaces of dentate adults aged 20 years and older* with at least one decayed or filled permanent tooth surfaces (DFS>0), by selected characteristics -- United States, 1988-1994 and 1999-2002*/ proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F5. Mean percent D/DFS among DFS>0 - not age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDDFSx; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1 and OHDPDFSx>0; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4F5Au REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F5. N IV phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean percent D/DFS among dentate with DFS>0 (N4F5Au) "; run; data NHANESAB.N4F5Au; set NHANESAB.N4F5Au; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F5Au "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F5. Mean percent D/DFS among DFS>0 - age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDDFSx; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1 and OHDPDFSx>0; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4F5Aaa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F5. N IV phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Mean percent D/DFS among dentate with DFS>0 (N4F5Aaa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F5Aaa; set NHANESAB.N4F5Aaa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F5Aaa "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F5. Mean percent D/DFS among DFS>0 - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDDFSx; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1 and OHDPDFSx>0; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4F5Aasa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F5. N IV phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean percent D/DFS among dentate with DFS>0 (N4F5Aasa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F5Aasa; set NHANESAB.N4F5Aasa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F5Aasa"; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*Mean percent F/DFS among DFS>0 - not age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPFDFSx; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1 and OHDPDFSx>0; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4F5Bu REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F5. N IV phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean percent F/DFS among dentate with DFS>0 (N4F5Bu)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F5Bu; set NHANESAB.N4F5Bu; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F5Bu "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F5. Mean percent F/DFS among DFS>0 - age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPFDFSx; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1 and OHDPDFSx>0; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4F5Baa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F5. N IV phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Mean percent F/DFS among dentate with DFS>0 (N4F5Baa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F5Baa; set NHANESAB.N4F5Baa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F5Baa "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F5. Mean percent F/DFS among DFS>0 - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPFDFSx; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1 and OHDPDFSx>0; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4F5Basa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F5. N IV phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean percent F/DFS among dentate with DFS>0 (N4F5Basa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F5Basa; set NHANESAB.N4F5Basa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F5Basa"; run; /*Table F6. Percent of dentate adults aged 20 years and older* with any decayed or filled permanent tooth root surfaces, by selected characteristics -- United States, 1988-1994 and 1999-2002*/ proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F6. Percent w Root Caries - decayed and filled - not age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHXRTDFx; catlevel 1 ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANESAB.N4F6Au REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "F6. N IV phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Percent w/ Root Caries (DF) among dentate (N4F6Au)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F6Au; set NHANESAB.N4F6Au; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F6Au "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F6. Percent w Root Caries (DF) - age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHXRTDFx; catlevel 1 ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANESAB.N4F6Aaa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "F6. N IV phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Percent w/ Root Caries (DF) among dentate (N4F6Aaa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F6Aaa; set NHANESAB.N4F6Aaa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F6Aaa "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F6. Percent w/ Root Caries (DF) - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHXRTDFx; catlevel 1 ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANESAB.N4F6Aasa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "F6. N IV phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Percent w/ Root Caries (DF) among dentate (N4F6Aasa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F6Aasa; set NHANESAB.N4F6Aasa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F6Aasa"; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F6. Percent w/ Root Caries (D) - not age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHXRCARx; catlevel 1; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANESAB.N4F6Bu REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "F6. N IV phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Percent w/ Root Caries (D) among dentate (N4F6Bu)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F6Bu; set NHANESAB.N4F6Bu; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F6Bu "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F6. Percent w/ Root Caries (D) - age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHXRCARx; catlevel 1; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANESAB.N4F6Baa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "F6. N IV phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Percent w/ Root Caries (D) among dentate (N4F6Baa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F6Baa; set NHANESAB.N4F6Baa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F6Baa "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F6. Percent w/ Root Caries (D) - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHXRCARx; catlevel 1; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANESAB.N4F6Basa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "F6. N IV phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Percent w/ Root Caries (D) among dentate (N4F6Basa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F6Basa; set NHANESAB.N4F6Basa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F6Basa"; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F6. Percent w/ Root Caries (F) - not age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHXRRESx; catlevel 1; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANESAB.N4F6Cu REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "F6. N IV phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Percent w/ Root Caries (F) among dentate (N4F6Cu)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F6Cu; set NHANESAB.N4F6Cu; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F6Cu "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F6. Percent w/ Root Caries (F) - age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHXRRESx; catlevel 1; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANESAB.N4F6Caa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "F6. N IV phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Percent w/ Root Caries (F) among dentate (N4F6Caa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F6Caa; set NHANESAB.N4F6Caa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F6Caa "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*F6. Percent w/ Root Caries (F) - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHXRRESx; catlevel 1; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANESAB.N4F6Casa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "F6. N IV phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Percent w/ Root Caries (F) among dentate (N4F6Casa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4F6Casa; set NHANESAB.N4F6Casa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4F6Casa"; run; /*Table Y1. Mean number of decayed (DS), filled (FS) and decayed or filled (DFS) permanent tooth surfaces of dentate adults aged 20 years and older* with at least one decayed or filled permanent tooth surfaces (DFS>0), by selected characteristics -- United States, 1988-1994 and 1999-2002*/ proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*Y1. Mean DFS among DFS>0 - not age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDFSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1 and OHDPDFSx>0; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4Y1Au REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "Y1. N IV phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean DFS among dentate with DFS>0 (N4Y1Au)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4Y1Au; set NHANESAB.N4Y1Au; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4Y1Au "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*Y1. Mean DFS among DFS>0 - age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDFSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1 and OHDPDFSx>0; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4Y1Aaa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "Y1. N IV phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Mean DFS among dentate w/DFS>0 (N4Y1Aaa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4Y1Aaa; set NHANESAB.N4Y1Aaa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4Y1Aaa "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*Y1. Mean DFS among DFS>0- age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDFSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1 and OHDPDFSx>0; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4Y1Aasa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "Y1. N IV phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean DFS among dentate w/DFS>0 (N4Y1Aasa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4Y1Aasa; set NHANESAB.N4Y1Aasa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4Y1Aasa"; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*Y1. Mean DS among DFS>0 - not age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1 and OHDPDFSx>0; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4Y1Bu REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "Y1. N IV phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean DS among dentate w/DFS>0 (N4Y1Bu)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4Y1Bu; set NHANESAB.N4Y1Bu; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4Y1Bu "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*Y1. Mean DS among DFS>0- age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1 and OHDPDFSx>0; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4Y1Baa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "Y1. N IV phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Mean DS among dentate w/DFS>0 (N4Y1Baa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4Y1Baa; set NHANESAB.N4Y1Baa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4Y1Baa "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*Y1. Mean DS among DFS>0- age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1 and OHDPDFSx>0; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4Y1Basa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "Y1. N IV phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean DS among dentate w/DFS>0 (N4Y1Basa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4Y1Basa; set NHANESAB.N4Y1Basa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4Y1Basa"; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*Y1. Mean FS among DFS>0 - not age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPFSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1 and OHDPDFSx>0; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4Y1Cu REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "Y1. N IV phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean FS among dentate w/DFS>0 (N4Y1Cu)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4Y1Cu; set NHANESAB.N4Y1Cu; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4Y1Cu "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*Y1. Mean FS among DFS>0 - age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPFSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1 and OHDPDFSx>0; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4Y1Caa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "Y1. N IV phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Mean FS among dentate w/DFS>0 (N4Y1Caa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4Y1Caa; set NHANESAB.N4Y1Caa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4Y1Caa "; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*Y1. Mean FS among DFS>0- age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPFSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1 and OHDPDFSx>0; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4Y1Casa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "Y1. N IV phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean FS among dentate w/DFS>0 (N4Y1Casa)"; run; data NHANESAB.N4Y1Casa; set NHANESAB.N4Y1Casa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4Y1Casa"; run; /*Y2. Mean number occlusal DMFS in ages 20 and older */ proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*Mean number occlusal DMFS among adults 20 and older - not age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDMFSox ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and OHDPRMb=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4Y2Au REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "Y2. NHANES 1999-2002 not age/sex adjusted (1 yr) Mean number occlusal DMFS among adults 20 and older - N4Y2Au"; run; data NHANESAB.N4Y2Au; set NHANESAB.N4Y2Au; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4Y2Au"; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*Mean number occlusal DMFS among adults 20 and older - age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDMFSox ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and OHDPRMb=1; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4Y2Aaa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "Y2. NHANES 1999-2002 age adjusted (1 yr) Mean number occlusal DMFS among children - N4Y2Aaa"; run; data NHANESAB.N4Y2Aaa; set NHANESAB.N4Y2Aaa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4Y2Aaa"; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*Mean number occlusal DMFS among children - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDMFSox ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and OHDPRMb=1; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4Y2Aasa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "Y2. NHANES 1999-2002 age/sex adjusted (1 yr) Mean number occlusal DMFS among children - N4Y2Aasa"; run; data NHANESAB.N4Y2Aasa; set NHANESAB.N4Y2Aasa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4Y2Aasa"; run; /*Y2. mean number lingual-buccal DMFS in ages 20 and older */ proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*Mean number lingual-buccal DMFS among adults 20 and older - not age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDMFSlbx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and OHDPRMb=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4Y2Bu REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "Y2. NHANES 1999-2002 not age/sex adjusted (1 yr) Mean number lingual-buccal DMFS among adults 20 and older - N4Y2Bu"; run; data NHANESAB.N4Y2Bu; set NHANESAB.N4Y2Bu; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4Y2Bu"; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*Mean number lingual-buccal DMFS among adults 20 and older - age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDMFSlbx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and OHDPRMb=1; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4Y2Baa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "Y2. NHANES 1999-2002 age adjusted (1 yr) Mean number lingual-buccal DMFS among adults 20 and older - N4Y2Baa"; run; data NHANESAB.N4Y2Baa; set NHANESAB.N4Y2Baa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4Y2Baa"; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*Mean number lingual-buccal DMFS among adults 20 and older - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDMFSlbx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and OHDPRMb=1; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4Y2Basa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "Y2. NHANES 1999-2002 age/sex adjusted (1 yr) Mean number lingual-buccal DMFS among adults 20 and older - N4Y2Basa"; run; data NHANESAB.N4Y2Basa; set NHANESAB.N4Y2Basa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4Y2Basa"; run; /*Y2. mean number mesio-distal DMFS in ages 20 and older */ proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*Mean number mesio-distal DMFS among adults 20 and older - not age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDMFSmdx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and OHDPRMb=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4Y2Cu REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "Y2. NHANES 1999-2002 not age/sex adjusted (1 yr) Mean number mesio-distal DMFS among adults 20 and older - N4Y2Cu"; run; data NHANESAB.N4Y2Cu; set NHANESAB.N4Y2Cu; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4Y2Cu"; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*Mean number mesio-distal DMFS among adults 20 and older - age adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDMFSmdx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and OHDPRMb=1; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4Y2Caa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "Y2. NHANES 1999-2002 age adjusted (1 yr) Mean number mesio-distal DMFS among adults 20 and older - N4Y2Caa"; run; data NHANESAB.N4Y2Caa; set NHANESAB.N4Y2Caa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4Y2Caa"; run; proc descript data=NHANESAB.nh4mmwr design=wr;/*Mean number mesio-distal DMFS among adults 20 and older - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTMEC4YR; nest SDMVSTRA SDMVPSU/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDMFSmdx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and OHDPRMb=1; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANESAB.N4Y2Casa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "Y2. NHANES 1999-2002 age/sex adjusted (1 yr) Mean number mesio-distal DMFS among adults 20 and older - N4Y2Casa"; run; data NHANESAB.N4Y2Casa; set NHANESAB.N4Y2Casa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N4Y2Casa"; run; /*Compile estimates into one data set for export to MSExcel file (.xls)*/ data NHANESAB.N4CarAd; set NHANESAB.N4F1u NHANESAB.N4F1aa NHANESAB.N4F1asa NHANESAB.N4F2u NHANESAB.N4F2aa NHANESAB.N4F2asa NHANESAB.N4F3Au NHANESAB.N4F3Aaa NHANESAB.N4F3Aasa NHANESAB.N4F3Bu NHANESAB.N4F3Baa NHANESAB.N4F3Basa NHANESAB.N4F3Cu NHANESAB.N4F3Caa NHANESAB.N4F3Casa NHANESAB.N4F3Du NHANESAB.N4F3Daa NHANESAB.N4F3Dasa NHANESAB.N4F3Eu NHANESAB.N4F3Eaa NHANESAB.N4F3Easa NHANESAB.N4F4Au NHANESAB.N4F4Aaa NHANESAB.N4F4Aasa NHANESAB.N4F4Bu NHANESAB.N4F4Baa NHANESAB.N4F4Basa NHANESAB.N4F4Cu NHANESAB.N4F4Caa NHANESAB.N4F4Casa NHANESAB.N4F4Du NHANESAB.N4F4Daa NHANESAB.N4F4Dasa NHANESAB.N4F4Eu NHANESAB.N4F4Eaa NHANESAB.N4F4Easa NHANESAB.N4F5Au NHANESAB.N4F5Aaa NHANESAB.N4F5Aasa NHANESAB.N4F5Bu NHANESAB.N4F5Baa NHANESAB.N4F5Basa NHANESAB.N4F6Au NHANESAB.N4F6Aaa NHANESAB.N4F6Aasa NHANESAB.N4F6Bu NHANESAB.N4F6Baa NHANESAB.N4F6Basa NHANESAB.N4F6Cu NHANESAB.N4F6Caa NHANESAB.N4F6Casa NHANESAB.N4Y1Au NHANESAB.N4Y1Aaa NHANESAB.N4Y1Aasa NHANESAB.N4Y1Bu NHANESAB.N4Y1Baa NHANESAB.N4Y1Basa NHANESAB.N4Y1Cu NHANESAB.N4Y1Caa NHANESAB.N4Y1Casa NHANESAB.N4Y2Au NHANESAB.N4Y2Aaa NHANESAB.N4Y2Aasa NHANESAB.N4Y2Bu NHANESAB.N4Y2Baa NHANESAB.N4Y2Basa NHANESAB.N4Y2Cu NHANESAB.N4Y2Caa NHANESAB.N4Y2Casa ; if percent>0 then do; RSE=sepercent/percent; /*Relative Standard Error*/ end; if mean>0 then do; RSE=semean/mean; /*Relative Standard Error*/ end; if ASDIST4B>=0 and RIDRETH2<0 and RIAGENDR<0 and PIRGRP3<0 and DMDEDUX<0 and SMOKECFNX<0 then do; if ASDIST4B=0 then Category="Total Age "; else if ASDIST4B=1 then Category="Age 20-39 "; else if ASDIST4B=2 then Category="Age 40-59 "; else if ASDIST4B=3 then Category="Age 60+ "; end; else if ASDIST4B<0 and RIDRETH2>=0 and RIAGENDR<0 and PIRGRP3<0 and DMDEDUX<0 and SMOKECFNX<0 then do; if RIDRETH2=0 then Category="Total Race/Ethn "; else if RIDRETH2=1 then Category="NH White "; else if RIDRETH2=2 then Category="NH Black "; else if RIDRETH2=3 then Category="Mexican American "; else if RIDRETH2=4 then Category="Other/MultiRace "; else if RIDRETH2=5 then Category="Other Hispanic "; end; else if ASDIST4B<0 and RIDRETH2<0 and RIAGENDR>=0 and PIRGRP3<0 and DMDEDUX<0 and SMOKECFNX<0 then do; if RIAGENDR=0 then Category="Total Gender "; else if RIAGENDR=1 then Category="Male "; else if RIAGENDR=2 then Category="Female "; end; else if ASDIST4B<0 and RIDRETH2<0 and RIAGENDR<0 and PIRGRP3>=0 and DMDEDUX<0 and SMOKECFNX<0 then do; if PIRGRP3=0 then Category="Total PIR "; else if PIRGRP3=1 then Category="<100 "; else if PIRGRP3=2 then Category="100-199 "; else if PIRGRP3=3 then Category=">=200 "; end; else if ASDIST4B<0 and RIDRETH2<0 and RIAGENDR<0 and PIRGRP3<0 and DMDEDUX>=0 and SMOKECFNX<0 then do; if DMDEDUx=0 then Category="Total Education "; else if DMDEDUx=1 then Category="=0 then do; if SMOKECFNx=0 then Category="Total Smoking "; else if SMOKECFNx=1 then Category="Current "; else if SMOKECFNx=2 then Category="Former "; else if SMOKECFNx=3 then Category="Never "; end; else if ASDIST4B>=0 and RIDRETH2>=0 and RIAGENDR<0 and PIRGRP3<0 and DMDEDUX<0 and SMOKECFNX<0 then do; if ASDIST4B=0 and RIDRETH2=0 then Category="Total Age by RaceEthn "; else if ASDIST4B=0 and RIDRETH2=1 then Category="Total Age - NH White "; else if ASDIST4B=0 and RIDRETH2=2 then Category="Total Age - NH Black "; else if ASDIST4B=0 and RIDRETH2=3 then Category="Total Age - Mex Am "; else if ASDIST4B=0 and RIDRETH2=4 then Category="Total Age - Other "; else if ASDIST4B=0 and RIDRETH2=5 then Category="Total Age - Other Hisp "; else if ASDIST4B=1 and RIDRETH2=0 then Category="Age 20-39 All RaceEthn "; else if ASDIST4B=1 and RIDRETH2=1 then Category="Age 20-39 - NH White "; else if ASDIST4B=1 and RIDRETH2=2 then Category="Age 20-39 - NH Black "; else if ASDIST4B=1 and RIDRETH2=3 then Category="Age 20-39 - Mex Am "; else if ASDIST4B=1 and RIDRETH2=4 then Category="Age 20-39 - Other "; else if ASDIST4B=1 and RIDRETH2=5 then Category="Age 20-39 - Other Hisp "; else if ASDIST4B=2 and RIDRETH2=0 then Category="Age 40-59 All RaceEthn "; else if ASDIST4B=2 and RIDRETH2=1 then Category="Age 40-59 - NH White "; else if ASDIST4B=2 and RIDRETH2=2 then Category="Age 40-59 - NH Black "; else if ASDIST4B=2 and RIDRETH2=3 then Category="Age 40-59 - Mex Am "; else if ASDIST4B=2 and RIDRETH2=4 then Category="Age 40-59 - Other "; else if ASDIST4B=2 and RIDRETH2=5 then Category="Age 40-59 - Other Hisp "; else if ASDIST4B=3 and RIDRETH2=0 then Category="Age 60+ All RaceEthn "; else if ASDIST4B=3 and RIDRETH2=1 then Category="Age 60+ - NH White "; else if ASDIST4B=3 and RIDRETH2=2 then Category="Age 60+ - NH Black "; else if ASDIST4B=3 and RIDRETH2=3 then Category="Age 60+ - Mex Am "; else if ASDIST4B=3 and RIDRETH2=4 then Category="Age 60+ - Other "; else if ASDIST4B=3 and RIDRETH2=5 then Category="Age 60+ - Other Hisp "; end; else if ASDIST4B>=0 and RIDRETH2<0 and RIAGENDR>=0 and PIRGRP3<0 and DMDEDUX<0 and SMOKECFNX<0 then do; if ASDIST4B=0 and RIAGENDR=0 then Category="Total Age by Gender "; else if ASDIST4B=0 and RIAGENDR=1 then Category="Total Age - Male "; else if ASDIST4B=0 and RIAGENDR=2 then Category="Total Age - Female "; else if ASDIST4B=1 and RIAGENDR=0 then Category="Age 20-39 Both Genders "; else if ASDIST4B=1 and RIAGENDR=1 then Category="Age 20-39 - Male "; else if ASDIST4B=1 and RIAGENDR=2 then Category="Age 20-39 - Female "; else if ASDIST4B=2 and RIAGENDR=0 then Category="Age 40-59 Both Genders "; else if ASDIST4B=2 and RIAGENDR=1 then Category="Age 40-59 - Male "; else if ASDIST4B=2 and RIAGENDR=2 then Category="Age 40-59 - Female "; else if ASDIST4B=3 and RIAGENDR=0 then Category="Age 60+ Both Genders "; else if ASDIST4B=3 and RIAGENDR=1 then Category="Age 60+ - Male "; else if ASDIST4B=3 and RIAGENDR=2 then Category="Age 60+ - Female "; end; else if ASDIST4B>=0 and RIDRETH2<0 and RIAGENDR<0 and PIRGRP3>=0 and DMDEDUX<0 and SMOKECFNX<0 then do; if ASDIST4B=0 and PIRGRP3=0 then Category="Total Age by PIR "; else if ASDIST4B=0 and PIRGRP3=1 then Category="Total Age - < 100 "; else if ASDIST4B=0 and PIRGRP3=2 then Category="Total Age - 100 to 199 "; else if ASDIST4B=0 and PIRGRP3=3 then Category="Total Age - 200 or more "; else if ASDIST4B=1 and PIRGRP3=0 then Category="Age 20-39 All PIR groups "; else if ASDIST4B=1 and PIRGRP3=1 then Category="Age 20-39 - < 100 "; else if ASDIST4B=1 and PIRGRP3=2 then Category="Age 20-39 - 100 to 199 "; else if ASDIST4B=1 and PIRGRP3=3 then Category="Age 20-39 - 200 or more "; else if ASDIST4B=2 and PIRGRP3=0 then Category="Age 40-59 All PIR groups "; else if ASDIST4B=2 and PIRGRP3=1 then Category="Age 40-59 - < 100 "; else if ASDIST4B=2 and PIRGRP3=2 then Category="Age 40-59 - 100 to 199 "; else if ASDIST4B=2 and PIRGRP3=3 then Category="Age 40-59 - 200 or more "; else if ASDIST4B=3 and PIRGRP3=0 then Category="Age 60+ All PIR groups "; else if ASDIST4B=3 and PIRGRP3=1 then Category="Age 60+ - < 100 "; else if ASDIST4B=3 and PIRGRP3=2 then Category="Age 60+ - 100 to 199 "; else if ASDIST4B=3 and PIRGRP3=3 then Category="Age 60+ - 200 or more "; end; else if ASDIST4B>=0 and RIDRETH2<0 and RIAGENDR<0 and PIRGRP3<0 and DMDEDUX>=0 and SMOKECFNX<0 then do; if ASDIST4B=0 and DMDEDUX=0 then Category="Total Age by Education "; else if ASDIST4B=0 and DMDEDUX=1 then Category="Total Age - =0 and RIDRETH2<0 and RIAGENDR<0 and PIRGRP3<0 and DMDEDUX<0 and SMOKECFNX>=0 then do; if ASDIST4B=0 and SMOKECFNX=0 then Category="Total Age by Smoking "; else if ASDIST4B=0 and SMOKECFNX=1 then Category="Total Age - Current "; else if ASDIST4B=0 and SMOKECFNX=2 then Category="Total Age - Former "; else if ASDIST4B=0 and SMOKECFNX=3 then Category="Total Age - Never "; else if ASDIST4B=1 and SMOKECFNX=0 then Category="Age 20-39 All Smoking "; else if ASDIST4B=1 and SMOKECFNX=1 then Category="Age 20-39 - Current "; else if ASDIST4B=1 and SMOKECFNX=2 then Category="Age 20-39 - Former "; else if ASDIST4B=1 and SMOKECFNX=3 then Category="Age 20-39 - Never "; else if ASDIST4B=2 and SMOKECFNX=0 then Category="Age 40-59 All Smoking "; else if ASDIST4B=2 and SMOKECFNX=1 then Category="Age 40-59 - Current "; else if ASDIST4B=2 and SMOKECFNX=2 then Category="Age 40-59 - Former "; else if ASDIST4B=2 and SMOKECFNX=3 then Category="Age 40-59 - Never "; else if ASDIST4B=3 and SMOKECFNX=0 then Category="Age 60+ All Smoking "; else if ASDIST4B=3 and SMOKECFNX=1 then Category="Age 60+ - Current "; else if ASDIST4B=3 and SMOKECFNX=2 then Category="Age 60+ - Former "; else if ASDIST4B=3 and SMOKECFNX=3 then Category="Age 60+ - Never "; end; keep tablename Category nsum rse percent sepercent mean semean ; run; PROC EXPORT DATA= NHANESAB.N4CARAD OUTFILE= "K:\DOH\EVERYONE\NHANES\MMWR19992002\N4CarAd.xls" DBMS=EXCEL2000 REPLACE; RUN; ****************************************************************************; /*NHANES 3*/ LIBNAME NHANEIII "K:/DOH/EVERYONE/NHANES/NHANES19881994/AnalysisFiles"; proc sort data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr; by SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6; run; /*Table F1. Prevalence of decayed or filled coronal caries in permanent teeth of dentate adults aged 20 years and older*, by selected characteristics -- United States, 1988-1994 and 1999-2002*/ proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F1. Percent caries experience - not age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPCEx ; catlevel 1 ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANEIII.N3F1u REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F1. NIII phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Percent caries experience among dentate (N3F1u)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F1u; set NHANEIII.N3F1u; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F1u "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F1. Percent caries experience - age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPCEx ; catlevel 1 ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANEIII.N3F1aa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F1 NIII phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Percent caries experience among dentate (N3F1aa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F1aa; set NHANEIII.N3F1aa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F1aa "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F1. Percent caries experience - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPCEx ; catlevel 1 ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 wsumfmt=f15.1; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANEIII.N3F1asa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F1. NIII phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Percent caries experience among dentate (N3F1asa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F1asa; set NHANEIII.N3F1asa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F1asa "; run; /*Table F2. Prevalence of untreated carious lesions in permanent teeth of dentate adults aged 20 years and older*, by selected characteristics -- United States, 1988-1994 and 1999-2002*/ proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F2. Percent untreated caries - not age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPUDx ; catlevel 1 ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANEIII.N3F2u REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F2. NIII phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Percent untreated caries - among dentate (N3F2u)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F2u; set NHANEIII.N3F2u; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F2u "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F2. Percent Untreated caries - age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPUDx ; catlevel 1 ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANEIII.N3F2aa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F2. NIII phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Percent untreated caries - among dentate (N3F2aa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F2aa; set NHANEIII.N3F2aa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F2aa "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F2. Percent untreated caries - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPUDx ; catlevel 1 ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 wsumfmt=f15.1; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANEIII.N3F2asa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F2. NIII phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Percent untreated caries among dentate (N3F2asa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F2asa; set NHANEIII.N3F2asa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F2asa "; run; /*Table F3. Mean number of decayed (DT), missing (MT), filled (FT) and decayed, missing and filled (DMFT) permanent teeth of dentate adults aged 20 years and older*, by selected characteristics -- United States, 1988-1994 and 1999-2002*/ proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F3A. Mean DMFT - not age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDMFTx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3F3Au REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F3. NIII phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean DMFT among dentate (N3F3Au)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F3Au; set NHANEIII.N3F3Au; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F3Au "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F3. Mean DMFT - age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDMFTx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3F3Aaa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F3. NIII phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Mean DMFT among dentate (N3F3Aaa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F3Aaa; set NHANEIII.N3F3Aaa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F3Aaa "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F3. Mean DMFT - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDMFTx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3F3Aasa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F3. NIII phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean DMFT among dentate (N3F3Aasa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F3Aasa; set NHANEIII.N3F3Aasa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F3Aasa"; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F3. Mean DT - not age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDTx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3F3Bu REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F3. NIII phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean DT among dentate (N3F3Bu)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F3Bu; set NHANEIII.N3F3Bu; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F3Bu "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F3. Mean DT - age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDTx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3F3Baa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F3. NIII phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Mean DT among dentate (N3F3Baa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F3Baa; set NHANEIII.N3F3Baa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F3Baa"; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F3. Mean DT - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDTx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3F3Basa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F3. NIII phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean DT among dentate (N3F3Basa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F3Basa; set NHANEIII.N3F3Basa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F3Basa"; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F3. Mean MT - not age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPMTx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3F3Cu REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F3. NIII phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean MT among dentate (N3F3Cu)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F3Cu; set NHANEIII.N3F3Cu; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F3Cu "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F3. Mean MT - age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPMTx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3F3Caa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F3. NIII phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Mean MT among dentate (N3F3Caa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F3Caa; set NHANEIII.N3F3Caa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F3Caa "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F3. Mean MT - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPMTx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3F3Casa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F3. NIII phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean MT among dentate (N3F3Casa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F3Casa; set NHANEIII.N3F3Casa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F3Casa"; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F3. Mean FT - not age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPFTx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3F3Du REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F3. NIII phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean FT among dentate (N3F3Du)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F3Du; set NHANEIII.N3F3Du; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F3Du "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F3. Mean FT - age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPFTx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3F3Daa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F3. NIII phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Mean FT among dentate (N3F3Daa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F3Daa; set NHANEIII.N3F3Daa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F3Daa "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F3. Mean FT - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPFTx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3F3Dasa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F3. NIII phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean FT among dentate (N3F3Dasa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F3Dasa; set NHANEIII.N3F3Dasa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F3Dasa"; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F3E. Mean DFT - not age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDFTx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3F3Eu REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F3. NIII phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean DFT among dentate (N3F3Eu)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F3Eu; set NHANEIII.N3F3Eu; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F3Eu "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F3. Mean DFT - age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDFTx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3F3Eaa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F3. NIII phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Mean DFT among dentate (N3F3Eaa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F3Eaa; set NHANEIII.N3F3Eaa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F3Eaa "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F3. Mean DFT - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDFTx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3F3Easa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F3. NIII phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean DFT among dentate (N3F3Easa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F3Easa; set NHANEIII.N3F3Easa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F3Easa"; run; /*Table F4. Mean number of decayed (DS), missing (MS), filled (FS), decayed and filled (DFS) and decayed, missing and filled (DMFS) permanent tooth surfaces of dentate adults aged 20 years and older*, by selected characteristics -- United States, 1988-1994 and 1999-2002*/ proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F4. Mean DMFS - not age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDMFSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3F4Au REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F4. NIII phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean DMFS among dentate (N3F4Au)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F4Au; set NHANEIII.N3F4Au; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F4Au "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F4. Mean DMFS - age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDMFSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3F4Aaa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F4. NIII phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Mean DMFS among dentate (N3F4Aaa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F4Aaa; set NHANEIII.N3F4Aaa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F4Aaa "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F4. Mean DMFS - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDMFSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3F4Aasa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F4. NIII phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean DMFS among dentate (N3F4Aasa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F4Aasa; set NHANEIII.N3F4Aasa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F4Aasa"; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F4. Mean DFS - not age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDFSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3F4Bu REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F4. NIII phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean DFS among dentate (N3F4Bu)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F4Bu; set NHANEIII.N3F4Bu; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F4Bu "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F4. Mean DFS - age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDFSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3F4Baa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F4. NIII phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Mean DFS among dentate (N3F4Baa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F4Baa; set NHANEIII.N3F4Baa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F4Baa "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F4. Mean DFS - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDFSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3F4Basa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F4. NIII phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean DFS among dentate (N3F4Basa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F4Basa; set NHANEIII.N3F4Basa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F4Basa"; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F4. Mean DS - not age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3F4Cu REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F4. NIII phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean DS among dentate (N3F4Cu)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F4Cu; set NHANEIII.N3F4Cu; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F4Cu "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F4. Mean DS - age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3F4Caa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F4. NIII phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Mean DS among dentate (N3F4Caa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F4Caa; set NHANEIII.N3F4Caa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F4Caa "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F4. Mean DS - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3F4Casa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F4. NIII phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean DS among dentate (N3F4Casa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F4Casa; set NHANEIII.N3F4Casa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F4Casa"; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F4. Mean MS - not age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPMSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3F4Du REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F4. NIII phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean MS among dentate (N3F4Du)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F4Du; set NHANEIII.N3F4Du; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F4Du "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F4. Mean MS - age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPMSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3F4Daa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F4. NIII phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Mean MS among dentate (N3F4Daa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F4Daa; set NHANEIII.N3F4Daa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F4Daa "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F4. Mean MS - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPMSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3F4Dasa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F4. NIII phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean MS among dentate (N3F4Dasa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F4Dasa; set NHANEIII.N3F4Dasa; tablename="N3F4Dasa"; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F4. Mean FS - not age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPFSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3F4Eu REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F4. NIII phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean FS among dentate (N3F4Eu)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F4Eu; set NHANEIII.N3F4Eu; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F4Eu "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F4. Mean FS - age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPFSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3F4Eaa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F4. NIII phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Mean FS among dentate (N3F4Eaa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F4Eaa; set NHANEIII.N3F4Eaa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F4Eaa "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F4. Mean FS - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPFSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3F4Easa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F4. NIII phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean FS among dentate (N3F4Easa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F4Easa; set NHANEIII.N3F4Easa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F4Easa"; run; /*Table F5. Mean percent of decayed (DS/DFS) and filled (FS/DFS) permanent tooth surfaces of dentate adults aged 20 years and older* with at least one decayed or filled permanent tooth surfaces (DFS>0), by selected characteristics -- United States, 1988-1994 and 1999-2002*/ proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F5. Mean percent D/DFS among DFS>0 - not age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDDFSx; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1 and OHDPDFSx>0; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3F5Au REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F5. NIII phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean percent D/DFS among dentate with DFS>0 (N3F5Au) "; run; data NHANEIII.N3F5Au; set NHANEIII.N3F5Au; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F5Au "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F5. Mean percent D/DFS among DFS>0 - age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDDFSx; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1 and OHDPDFSx>0; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3F5Aaa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F5. NIII phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Mean percent D/DFS among dentate with DFS>0 (N3F5Aaa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F5Aaa; set NHANEIII.N3F5Aaa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F5Aaa "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F5. Mean percent D/DFS among DFS>0 - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDDFSx; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1 and OHDPDFSx>0; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3F5Aasa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F5. NIII phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean percent D/DFS among dentate with DFS>0 (N3F5Aasa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F5Aasa; set NHANEIII.N3F5Aasa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F5Aasa"; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*Mean percent F/DFS among DFS>0 - not age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPFDFSx; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1 and OHDPDFSx>0; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3F5Bu REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F5. NIII phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean percent F/DFS among dentate with DFS>0 (N3F5Bu)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F5Bu; set NHANEIII.N3F5Bu; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F5Bu "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F5. Mean percent F/DFS among DFS>0 - age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPFDFSx; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1 and OHDPDFSx>0; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3F5Baa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F5. NIII phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Mean percent F/DFS among dentate with DFS>0 (N3F5Baa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F5Baa; set NHANEIII.N3F5Baa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F5Baa "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F5. Mean percent F/DFS among DFS>0 - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPFDFSx; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1 and OHDPDFSx>0; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3F5Basa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "F5. NIII phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean percent F/DFS among dentate with DFS>0 (N3F5Basa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F5Basa; set NHANEIII.N3F5Basa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F5Basa"; run; /*Table F6. Percent of dentate adults aged 20 years and older* with any decayed or filled permanent tooth root surfaces, by selected characteristics -- United States, 1988-1994 and 1999-2002*/ proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F6. Percent w Root Caries - decayed and filled - not age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHXRTDFx; catlevel 1 ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANEIII.N3F6Au REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "F6. NIII phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Percent w/ Root Caries (DF) among dentate (N3F6Au)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F6Au; set NHANEIII.N3F6Au; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F6Au "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*Percent w Root Caries (DF) - age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHXRTDFx; catlevel 1 ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANEIII.N3F6Aaa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "F6. NIII phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Percent w/ Root Caries (DF) among dentate (N3F6Aaa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F6Aaa; set NHANEIII.N3F6Aaa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F6Aaa "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F6. Percent w/ Root Caries (DF) - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHXRTDFx; catlevel 1 ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANEIII.N3F6Aasa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "F6. NIII phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Percent w/ Root Caries (DF) among dentate (N3F6Aasa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F6Aasa; set NHANEIII.N3F6Aasa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F6Aasa"; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F6. Percent w/ Root Caries (D) - not age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHXRCARx; catlevel 1; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANEIII.N3F6Bu REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "F6. NIII phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Percent w/ Root Caries (D) among dentate (N3F6Bu)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F6Bu; set NHANEIII.N3F6Bu; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F6Bu "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F6. Percent w/ Root Caries (D) - age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHXRCARx; catlevel 1; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANEIII.N3F6Baa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "F6. NIII phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Percent w/ Root Caries (D) among dentate (N3F6Baa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F6Baa; set NHANEIII.N3F6Baa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F6Baa "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F6. Percent w/ Root Caries (D) - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHXRCARx; catlevel 1; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANEIII.N3F6Basa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "F6. NIII phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Percent w/ Root Caries (D) among dentate (N3F6Basa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F6Basa; set NHANEIII.N3F6Basa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F6Basa"; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F6. Percent w/ Root Caries (F) - not age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHXRRESx; catlevel 1; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANEIII.N3F6Cu REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "F6. NIII phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Percent w/ Root Caries (F) among dentate (N3F6Cu)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F6Cu; set NHANEIII.N3F6Cu; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F6Cu "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F6. Percent w/ Root Caries (F) - age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHXRRESx; catlevel 1; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANEIII.N3F6Caa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "F6. NIII phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Percent w/ Root Caries (F) among dentate (N3F6Caa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F6Caa; set NHANEIII.N3F6Caa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F6Caa "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*F6. Percent w/ Root Caries (F) - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHXRRESx; catlevel 1; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total percent sepercent / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; output nsum wsum total percent sepercent / filename=NHANEIII.N3F6Casa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 percentfmt=f6.2 sepercentfmt=f6.2 ; rtitle "F6. NIII phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Percent w/ Root Caries (F) among dentate (N3F6Casa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3F6Casa; set NHANEIII.N3F6Casa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3F6Casa"; run; /*Table Y1. Mean number of decayed (DS), filled (FS) and decayed or filled (DFS) permanent tooth surfaces of dentate adults aged 20 years and older* with at least one decayed or filled permanent tooth surfaces (DFS>0), by selected characteristics -- United States, 1988-1994 and 1999-2002*/ proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*Y1. Mean DFS among DFS>0 - not age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDFSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1 and OHDPDFSx>0; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3Y1Au REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "Y1. NIII phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean DFS among dentate with DFS>0 (N3Y1Au)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3Y1Au; set NHANEIII.N3Y1Au; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3Y1Au "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*Y1. Mean DFS among DFS>0 - age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDFSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1 and OHDPDFSx>0; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3Y1Aaa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "Y1. NIII phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Mean DFS among dentate w/DFS>0 (N3Y1Aaa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3Y1Aaa; set NHANEIII.N3Y1Aaa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3Y1Aaa "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*Y1. Mean DFS amdong DFS>0- age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDFSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1 and OHDPDFSx>0; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3Y1Aasa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "Y1. NIII phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean DFS among dentate w/DFS>0 (N3Y1Aasa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3Y1Aasa; set NHANEIII.N3Y1Aasa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3Y1Aasa"; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*Y1. Mean DS among DFS>0 - not age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1 and OHDPDFSx>0; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3Y1Bu REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "Y1. NIII phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean DS among dentate w/DFS>0 (N3Y1Bu)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3Y1Bu; set NHANEIII.N3Y1Bu; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3Y1Bu "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*Y1. Mean DS among DFS>0- age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1 and OHDPDFSx>0; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3Y1Baa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "Y1. NIII phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Mean DS among dentate w/DFS>0 (N3Y1Baa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3Y1Baa; set NHANEIII.N3Y1Baa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3Y1Baa "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*Y1. Mean DS among DFS>0- age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1 and OHDPDFSx>0; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3Y1Basa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "Y1. NIII phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean DS among dentate w/DFS>0 (N3Y1Basa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3Y1Basa; set NHANEIII.N3Y1Basa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3Y1Basa"; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*Y1. Mean FS among DFS>0 - not age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPFSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1 and OHDPDFSx>0; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3Y1Cu REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "Y1. NIII phase I + II not age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean FS among dentate w/DFS>0 (N3Y1Cu)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3Y1Cu; set NHANEIII.N3Y1Cu; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3Y1Cu "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*Y1. Mean FS among DFS>0 - age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPFSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1 and OHDPDFSx>0; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3Y1Caa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "Y1. NIII phase I + II age adjusted (10 yr) Mean FS among dentate w/DFS>0 (N3Y1Caa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3Y1Caa; set NHANEIII.N3Y1Caa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3Y1Caa "; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*Y1. Mean FS among DFS>0- age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6 /strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPFSx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and dentate28P=1 and OHDPDFSx>0; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3Y1Casa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "Y1. NIII phase I + II age/sex adjusted (10 yr) Mean FS among dentate w/DFS>0 (N3Y1Casa)"; run; data NHANEIII.N3Y1Casa; set NHANEIII.N3Y1Casa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3Y1Casa"; run; /*Y2. Mean number occlusal DMFS in ages 20 and older */ proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*Mean number occlusal DMFS among adults 20 and older - not age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDMFSox ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and OHDPRMb=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3Y2Au REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "Y2. NHANES 1988-1994 not age/sex adjusted (1 yr) Mean number occlusal DMFS among adults 20 and older - N3Y2Au"; run; data NHANEIII.N3Y2Au; set NHANEIII.N3Y2Au; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3Y2Au"; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*Mean number occlusal DMFS among adults 20 and older - age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDMFSox ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and OHDPRMb=1; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3Y2Aaa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "Y2. NHANES 1988-1994 age adjusted (1 yr) Mean number occlusal DMFS among children - N3Y2Aaa"; run; data NHANEIII.N3Y2Aaa; set NHANEIII.N3Y2Aaa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3Y2Aaa"; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*Mean number occlusal DMFS among children - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDMFSox ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and OHDPRMb=1; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3Y2Aasa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "Y2. NHANES 1988-1994 age/sex adjusted (1 yr) Mean number occlusal DMFS among children - N3Y2Aasa"; run; data NHANEIII.N3Y2Aasa; set NHANEIII.N3Y2Aasa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3Y2Aasa"; run; /*Y2. mean number lingual-buccal DMFS in ages 20 and older */ proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*Mean number lingual-buccal DMFS among adults 20 and older - not age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDMFSlbx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and OHDPRMb=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3Y2Bu REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "Y2. NHANES 1999-2002 not age/sex adjusted (1 yr) Mean number lingual-buccal DMFS among adults 20 and older - N3Y2Bu"; run; data NHANEIII.N3Y2Bu; set NHANEIII.N3Y2Bu; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3Y2Bu"; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*Mean number lingual-buccal DMFS among adults 20 and older - age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDMFSlbx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and OHDPRMb=1; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3Y2Baa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "Y2. NHANES 1988-1994 age adjusted (1 yr) Mean number lingual-buccal DMFS among adults 20 and older - N3Y2Baa"; run; data NHANEIII.N3Y2Baa; set NHANEIII.N3Y2Baa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3Y2Baa"; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*Mean number lingual-buccal DMFS among adults 20 and older - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDMFSlbx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and OHDPRMb=1; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3Y2Basa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "Y2. NHANES 1988-1994 age/sex adjusted (1 yr) Mean number lingual-buccal DMFS among adults 20 and older - N3Y2Basa"; run; data NHANEIII.N3Y2Basa; set NHANEIII.N3Y2Basa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3Y2Basa"; run; /*Y2. mean number mesio-distal DMFS in ages 20 and older */ proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*Mean number mesio-distal DMFS among adults 20 and older - not age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDMFSmdx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and OHDPRMb=1; subgroup RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ; level 5 3 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIAGENDR RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3Y2Cu REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "Y2. NHANES 1999-2002 not age/sex adjusted (1 yr) Mean number mesio-distal DMFS among adults 20 and older - N3Y2Cu"; run; data NHANEIII.N3Y2Cu; set NHANEIII.N3Y2Cu; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3Y2Cu"; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*Mean number mesio-distal DMFS among adults 20 and older - age adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDMFSmdx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and OHDPRMb=1; subgroup ASDIST4Fa RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B RIAGENDR ; level 7 5 3 2 ; tables RIAGENDR ASDIST4B*RIAGENDR; Stdvar ASDIST4Fa; Stdwgt 0.185201 0.214603 0.217661 0.157158 0.103279 0.083085 0.039013; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3Y2Caa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "Y2. NHANES 1988-1994 age adjusted (1 yr) Mean number mesio-distal DMFS among adults 20 and older - N3Y2Caa"; run; data NHANEIII.N3Y2Caa; set NHANEIII.N3Y2Caa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3Y2Caa"; run; proc descript data=NHANEIII.nh3mmwr design=wr;/*Mean number mesio-distal DMFS among adults 20 and older - age/sex adjusted*/ weight WTPFEX6; nest SDPSTRA6 SDPPSU6/strlev=1 psulev=2 missunit; var OHDPDMFSmdx ; subpopn ridageyr >=20 and OHDPRMb=1; subgroup ASDIST4B ASDIST4Da RIDRETH2 RIAGENDR PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX; level 3 14 5 2 3 3 3; tables ASDIST4B RIDRETH2 PIRGRP3 DMDEDUX smokecfnX ASDIST4B*RIDRETH2 ASDIST4B*PIRGRP3 ASDIST4B*DMDEDUX ASDIST4B*smokecfnX; Stdvar ASDIST4Da; Stdwgt 0.093163 0.092036 0.106732 0.107875 0.107360 0.110298 0.076017 0.081144 0.048185 0.055093 0.035780 0.047305 0.013877 0.025135 ; rformat RIDRETH2 race. ; rformat riagendr sex. ; rformat ASDIST4B age. ; rformat PIRGRP3 pir. ; rformat DMDEDUX edu.; rformat smokecfnX smkcfn.; print nsum wsum total mean semean / style =nchs totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; output nsum wsum total mean semean / filename=NHANEIII.N3Y2Casa REPLACE filetype=SAS totalfmt=F13.1 wsumfmt=f15.1 meanfmt=f5.2 semeanfmt=f5.2 ; rtitle "Y2. NHANES 1988-1994 age/sex adjusted (1 yr) Mean number mesio-distal DMFS among adults 20 and older - N3Y2Casa"; run; data NHANEIII.N3Y2Casa; set NHANEIII.N3Y2Casa; format tablename $8.; tablename="N3Y2Casa"; run; /*Compile estimates into one data set for export to MSExcel file (.xls)*/ data NHANEIII.N3CarAd; set NHANEIII.N3F1u NHANEIII.N3F1aa NHANEIII.N3F1asa NHANEIII.N3F2u NHANEIII.N3F2aa NHANEIII.N3F2asa NHANEIII.N3F3Au NHANEIII.N3F3Aaa NHANEIII.N3F3Aasa NHANEIII.N3F3Bu NHANEIII.N3F3Baa NHANEIII.N3F3Basa NHANEIII.N3F3Cu NHANEIII.N3F3Caa NHANEIII.N3F3Casa NHANEIII.N3F3Du NHANEIII.N3F3Daa NHANEIII.N3F3Dasa NHANEIII.N3F3Eu NHANEIII.N3F3Eaa NHANEIII.N3F3Easa NHANEIII.N3F4Au NHANEIII.N3F4Aaa NHANEIII.N3F4Aasa NHANEIII.N3F4Bu NHANEIII.N3F4Baa NHANEIII.N3F4Basa NHANEIII.N3F4Cu NHANEIII.N3F4Caa NHANEIII.N3F4Casa NHANEIII.N3F4Du NHANEIII.N3F4Daa NHANEIII.N3F4Dasa NHANEIII.N3F4Eu NHANEIII.N3F4Eaa NHANEIII.N3F4Easa NHANEIII.N3F5Au NHANEIII.N3F5Aaa NHANEIII.N3F5Aasa NHANEIII.N3F5Bu NHANEIII.N3F5Baa NHANEIII.N3F5Basa NHANEIII.N3F6Au NHANEIII.N3F6Aaa NHANEIII.N3F6Aasa NHANEIII.N3F6Bu NHANEIII.N3F6Baa NHANEIII.N3F6Basa NHANEIII.N3F6Cu NHANEIII.N3F6Caa NHANEIII.N3F6Casa NHANEIII.N3Y1Au NHANEIII.N3Y1Aaa NHANEIII.N3Y1Aasa NHANEIII.N3Y1Bu NHANEIII.N3Y1Baa NHANEIII.N3Y1Basa NHANEIII.N3Y1Cu NHANEIII.N3Y1Caa NHANEIII.N3Y1Casa NHANEIII.N3Y2Au NHANEIII.N3Y2Aaa NHANEIII.N3Y2Aasa NHANEIII.N3Y2Bu NHANEIII.N3Y2Baa NHANEIII.N3Y2Basa NHANEIII.N3Y2Cu NHANEIII.N3Y2Caa NHANEIII.N3Y2Casa ; if percent>0 then do; RSE=sepercent/percent; /*Relative Standard Error*/ end; if mean>0 then do; RSE=semean/mean; /*Relative Standard Error*/ end; if ASDIST4B>=0 and RIDRETH2<0 and RIAGENDR<0 and PIRGRP3<0 and DMDEDUX<0 and SMOKECFNX<0 then do; if ASDIST4B=0 then Category="Total Age "; else if ASDIST4B=1 then Category="Age 20-39 "; else if ASDIST4B=2 then Category="Age 40-59 "; else if ASDIST4B=3 then Category="Age 60+ "; end; else if ASDIST4B<0 and RIDRETH2>=0 and RIAGENDR<0 and PIRGRP3<0 and DMDEDUX<0 and SMOKECFNX<0 then do; if RIDRETH2=0 then Category="Total Race/Ethn "; else if RIDRETH2=1 then Category="NH White "; else if RIDRETH2=2 then Category="NH Black "; else if RIDRETH2=3 then Category="Mexican American "; else if RIDRETH2=4 then Category="Other/MultiRace "; else if RIDRETH2=5 then Category="Other Hispanic "; end; else if ASDIST4B<0 and RIDRETH2<0 and RIAGENDR>=0 and PIRGRP3<0 and DMDEDUX<0 and SMOKECFNX<0 then do; if RIAGENDR=0 then Category="Total Gender "; else if RIAGENDR=1 then Category="Male "; else if RIAGENDR=2 then Category="Female "; end; else if ASDIST4B<0 and RIDRETH2<0 and RIAGENDR<0 and PIRGRP3>=0 and DMDEDUX<0 and SMOKECFNX<0 then do; if PIRGRP3=0 then Category="Total PIR "; else if PIRGRP3=1 then Category="<100 "; else if PIRGRP3=2 then Category="100-199 "; else if PIRGRP3=3 then Category=">=200 "; end; else if ASDIST4B<0 and RIDRETH2<0 and RIAGENDR<0 and PIRGRP3<0 and DMDEDUX>=0 and SMOKECFNX<0 then do; if DMDEDUx=0 then Category="Total Education "; else if DMDEDUx=1 then Category="=0 then do; if SMOKECFNx=0 then Category="Total Smoking "; else if SMOKECFNx=1 then Category="Current "; else if SMOKECFNx=2 then Category="Former "; else if SMOKECFNx=3 then Category="Never "; end; else if ASDIST4B>=0 and RIDRETH2>=0 and RIAGENDR<0 and PIRGRP3<0 and DMDEDUX<0 and SMOKECFNX<0 then do; if ASDIST4B=0 and RIDRETH2=0 then Category="Total Age by RaceEthn "; else if ASDIST4B=0 and RIDRETH2=1 then Category="Total Age - NH White "; else if ASDIST4B=0 and RIDRETH2=2 then Category="Total Age - NH Black "; else if ASDIST4B=0 and RIDRETH2=3 then Category="Total Age - Mex Am "; else if ASDIST4B=0 and RIDRETH2=4 then Category="Total Age - Other "; else if ASDIST4B=0 and RIDRETH2=5 then Category="Total Age - Other Hisp "; else if ASDIST4B=1 and RIDRETH2=0 then Category="Age 20-39 All RaceEthn "; else if ASDIST4B=1 and RIDRETH2=1 then Category="Age 20-39 - NH White "; else if ASDIST4B=1 and RIDRETH2=2 then Category="Age 20-39 - NH Black "; else if ASDIST4B=1 and RIDRETH2=3 then Category="Age 20-39 - Mex Am "; else if ASDIST4B=1 and RIDRETH2=4 then Category="Age 20-39 - Other "; else if ASDIST4B=1 and RIDRETH2=5 then Category="Age 20-39 - Other Hisp "; else if ASDIST4B=2 and RIDRETH2=0 then Category="Age 40-59 All RaceEthn "; else if ASDIST4B=2 and RIDRETH2=1 then Category="Age 40-59 - NH White "; else if ASDIST4B=2 and RIDRETH2=2 then Category="Age 40-59 - NH Black "; else if ASDIST4B=2 and RIDRETH2=3 then Category="Age 40-59 - Mex Am "; else if ASDIST4B=2 and RIDRETH2=4 then Category="Age 40-59 - Other "; else if ASDIST4B=2 and RIDRETH2=5 then Category="Age 40-59 - Other Hisp "; else if ASDIST4B=3 and RIDRETH2=0 then Category="Age 60+ All RaceEthn "; else if ASDIST4B=3 and RIDRETH2=1 then Category="Age 60+ - NH White "; else if ASDIST4B=3 and RIDRETH2=2 then Category="Age 60+ - NH Black "; else if ASDIST4B=3 and RIDRETH2=3 then Category="Age 60+ - Mex Am "; else if ASDIST4B=3 and RIDRETH2=4 then Category="Age 60+ - Other "; else if ASDIST4B=3 and RIDRETH2=5 then Category="Age 60+ - Other Hisp "; end; else if ASDIST4B>=0 and RIDRETH2<0 and RIAGENDR>=0 and PIRGRP3<0 and DMDEDUX<0 and SMOKECFNX<0 then do; if ASDIST4B=0 and RIAGENDR=0 then Category="Total Age by Gender "; else if ASDIST4B=0 and RIAGENDR=1 then Category="Total Age - Male "; else if ASDIST4B=0 and RIAGENDR=2 then Category="Total Age - Female "; else if ASDIST4B=1 and RIAGENDR=0 then Category="Age 20-39 Both Genders "; else if ASDIST4B=1 and RIAGENDR=1 then Category="Age 20-39 - Male "; else if ASDIST4B=1 and RIAGENDR=2 then Category="Age 20-39 - Female "; else if ASDIST4B=2 and RIAGENDR=0 then Category="Age 40-59 Both Genders "; else if ASDIST4B=2 and RIAGENDR=1 then Category="Age 40-59 - Male "; else if ASDIST4B=2 and RIAGENDR=2 then Category="Age 40-59 - Female "; else if ASDIST4B=3 and RIAGENDR=0 then Category="Age 60+ Both Genders "; else if ASDIST4B=3 and RIAGENDR=1 then Category="Age 60+ - Male "; else if ASDIST4B=3 and RIAGENDR=2 then Category="Age 60+ - Female "; end; else if ASDIST4B>=0 and RIDRETH2<0 and RIAGENDR<0 and PIRGRP3>=0 and DMDEDUX<0 and SMOKECFNX<0 then do; if ASDIST4B=0 and PIRGRP3=0 then Category="Total Age by PIR "; else if ASDIST4B=0 and PIRGRP3=1 then Category="Total Age - < 100 "; else if ASDIST4B=0 and PIRGRP3=2 then Category="Total Age - 100 to 199 "; else if ASDIST4B=0 and PIRGRP3=3 then Category="Total Age - 200 or more "; else if ASDIST4B=1 and PIRGRP3=0 then Category="Age 20-39 All PIR groups "; else if ASDIST4B=1 and PIRGRP3=1 then Category="Age 20-39 - < 100 "; else if ASDIST4B=1 and PIRGRP3=2 then Category="Age 20-39 - 100 to 199 "; else if ASDIST4B=1 and PIRGRP3=3 then Category="Age 20-39 - 200 or more "; else if ASDIST4B=2 and PIRGRP3=0 then Category="Age 40-59 All PIR groups "; else if ASDIST4B=2 and PIRGRP3=1 then Category="Age 40-59 - < 100 "; else if ASDIST4B=2 and PIRGRP3=2 then Category="Age 40-59 - 100 to 199 "; else if ASDIST4B=2 and PIRGRP3=3 then Category="Age 40-59 - 200 or more "; else if ASDIST4B=3 and PIRGRP3=0 then Category="Age 60+ All PIR groups "; else if ASDIST4B=3 and PIRGRP3=1 then Category="Age 60+ - < 100 "; else if ASDIST4B=3 and PIRGRP3=2 then Category="Age 60+ - 100 to 199 "; else if ASDIST4B=3 and PIRGRP3=3 then Category="Age 60+ - 200 or more "; end; else if ASDIST4B>=0 and RIDRETH2<0 and RIAGENDR<0 and PIRGRP3<0 and DMDEDUX>=0 and SMOKECFNX<0 then do; if ASDIST4B=0 and DMDEDUX=0 then Category="Total Age by Education "; else if ASDIST4B=0 and DMDEDUX=1 then Category="Total Age - =0 and RIDRETH2<0 and RIAGENDR<0 and PIRGRP3<0 and DMDEDUX<0 and SMOKECFNX>=0 then do; if ASDIST4B=0 and SMOKECFNX=0 then Category="Total Age by Smoking "; else if ASDIST4B=0 and SMOKECFNX=1 then Category="Total Age - Current "; else if ASDIST4B=0 and SMOKECFNX=2 then Category="Total Age - Former "; else if ASDIST4B=0 and SMOKECFNX=3 then Category="Total Age - Never "; else if ASDIST4B=1 and SMOKECFNX=0 then Category="Age 20-39 All Smoking "; else if ASDIST4B=1 and SMOKECFNX=1 then Category="Age 20-39 - Current "; else if ASDIST4B=1 and SMOKECFNX=2 then Category="Age 20-39 - Former "; else if ASDIST4B=1 and SMOKECFNX=3 then Category="Age 20-39 - Never "; else if ASDIST4B=2 and SMOKECFNX=0 then Category="Age 40-59 All Smoking "; else if ASDIST4B=2 and SMOKECFNX=1 then Category="Age 40-59 - Current "; else if ASDIST4B=2 and SMOKECFNX=2 then Category="Age 40-59 - Former "; else if ASDIST4B=2 and SMOKECFNX=3 then Category="Age 40-59 - Never "; else if ASDIST4B=3 and SMOKECFNX=0 then Category="Age 60+ All Smoking "; else if ASDIST4B=3 and SMOKECFNX=1 then Category="Age 60+ - Current "; else if ASDIST4B=3 and SMOKECFNX=2 then Category="Age 60+ - Former "; else if ASDIST4B=3 and SMOKECFNX=3 then Category="Age 60+ - Never "; end; keep tablename Category nsum rse percent sepercent mean semean ; run; PROC EXPORT DATA= NHANEIII.N3CARAD OUTFILE= "K:\DOH\EVERYONE\NHANES\MMWR19992002\N3CarAd.xls" DBMS=EXCEL2000 REPLACE; RUN;