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National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)

Crosswalks of variable names and codes between NHANES survey cycles

Dental sealant examination variables in NHANES 1988-1994, 1999-2000 and 2001-2002


(Tooth count, coronal caries, root caries, dental sealants, incisor trauma, and fluorosis)



Releases in which variable appears and data set name

Variable name

Variable Description or label






Dental Sealants for teeth:
2-5, 7, 10, 12-15, 18-21, 28-31






Both NHANES 1988-1994 and 1999-2002 include sealant variables for each tooth.  Sealant variables follow the naming schemes of the coronal caries tooth call variables in each survey.
The NHANES 1988-1994 sealant variables code presence of sealants at the tooth level.
The NHANES 1999-2002 sealant variables contain a string of codes indicating sealants on each permanent or primary surface.

Data Release

NHANES 1988-1994

NHANES 1999-2002

Variable name

DEPSE## (numbers 1 - 28)

OHX##SE (numbers 1 - 28)


0=no sealant

0=sealant not present

1=sealant present

1=Occlusal sealant on permanent tooth

2=not eligible for sealants

2=Facial sealant on permanent tooth


3=Lingual sealant on permanent tooth


4=Occlusal sealant on primary tooth


9=cannot be assessed

Variables for presence and number of sealants on permanent teeth were calculated from these variables for the MMWR Surveillance Summary.  Versions were calculated for all permanent pit-and-fissure teeth and by tooth type (lateral, premolar, 1st molar, 2nd molar).
(See programs and

 The calculated variables are named with the following prefixes:

OHXSEAL (presence of sealants)
            Sealn (number of sealants)

And these suffixes:

            Per (permanent)
            Lat (lateral)
            Pre (premolar)
            1st (1st molar)
            2nd (2nd molar)