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CDC and the National Institute for Dental and Craniofacial Research collaborated to produce an MMWR Surveillance Summary reporting descriptive findings from NHANES 1999-2002 for dental caries, dental sealants, tooth retention and tooth loss, and enamel fluorosis.   The report included data from NHANES 1988-1994, for comparison.

CDC has prepared a press release and fact sheet as a quick overview of the content and findings.
Press release:
Fact Sheet:

The complete surveillance summary is available online:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Surveillance for dental caries, dental sealants, tooth retention, edentulism, and enamel fluorosis — United States, 1988–1994 and 1999–2002. In: Surveillance Summaries, August 26, 2005. MMWR 2005:54(No. SS-3). Available at: URL: or as Adobe Acrobat PDF
 Download .pdf document of the surveillance summary