The Seabrook Meeting:
What is the future of Electronic Media?

Examples of Digital resources*
1. Radial Artery Catheterization: Intra-arterial canulation is considered the goldstandard for blood monitoring. The radial artery is frequently chosen for this purpose because of its superficial location and in most instances adequate collateral blood flow. Use the following links to view a video-clip streaming from your CD (modem and phone line) or from the MUSC SERVER (fast-speed connection such as DSL).

2. Internal Jugular Vein Catheterization: is another common site for catheterization. Use the following links to view a video-clip streaming from your CD (modem and phone line) or from the MUSC SERVER (fast-speed connection such as DSL).

3. Online Assessment: Click here to visit our new MUSC website for online assessment (using LXR 6.0)
* require at least a Pentium III, an Internet connection and the Realplayer plug-in installed in the browser folder